All my preparation went well for this event. Drinking lots of water on Friday, created lots of stops on the way to St. George. But I was hydrated and did well.
When we got to Washington we checked into the Red Cliffs Inn and then drove to Washington Community Center to check in and get our race packets. We also browsed the booths set up by the Homeless Animal Rescue Team (HART) and others to help raise money for homeless pets and to help purchase a police dog for Washington City.
Friday I also ate lots of small meals and snacks. I was a little worried about a choice for dinner Friday evening but we settled on Applebee's where I had:
Chicken Broccoli Pasta Alfredo
Juicy grilled chicken on a warm bed of fettuccine tossed with fresh broccoli and creamy Alfredo sauce. Topped with Parmesan and served with toasted side bread.
I had them leave off the Alfredo sauce and Parmesan cheese. I added a bit of butter. It was great and best of all my intestinal results the next morning were ok.
After dinner we went back to the rooms. Cyndie and I went over some recent training runs of mine on runningfreeonline.com and she was commenting after looking at my heart rate that I am not running fast enough. My heart rate hasn't even been getting into the fat burning zone. I stay in the recovery - cool off zone. Tell that to my legs - they think they have arrived in the torture zone. Guess I will have to work on that next week. She said I at least needed to run harder for a couple of miles. And I thought Cyndie was my friend.
The warmer St. George winter weather I was hoping for did not materialize. Keep that cute running skirt for another day. Looks like I was destined to run in the weather I trained in. We arrived at the park early because Jan's 9K race was starting at 8:30am. It was lightly raining, cold and windy so Jan dressed appropriately for walking. People thought he was a volunteer with the fluorescent orange coat so they'd ask him race questions. What a great husband he is for coming out to support me in the fowl weather.
I started out with a short sleeve shirt based on the temperature but it was just too cold so before my race I changed into long sleeves. Cyndie gave me a rain poncho to wear - this really worked great to keep me from getting wet and chilled before the race. It came off early in the race as it stopped raining and also I got too hot. Cyndie and I were also noisy, I thought we sounded like a flag whipping in the wind.
Here is Jan on the starting line. Who, let the dogs out... who who? Ready, Set, Go! Click here to see Jan's race results in the Dogtown K9 9K.
The half marathon started at 9am and I was ready. I was running with a group of fun ladies, Cyndie Nell, Liz Gotter and Stella Blight. Here is a before the race picture.
Here we all are after the Dogtown Half Marathon, we don't look too bad for a group who just ran 13 miles. I've included Cyndie's caption.