California State Capital |
Getting ready for this exciting marathon has been quite a busy week for me. Whenever I am getting ready to go out of town there is always a lot to do. I've been make lists and trying not to forget anything. This trip was a fun one with two purposes, visit Nancy and run my 3rd marathon ever.
My destination, Sacramento, CA. Since Nancy lives in Elk Grove I will be staying with her. This will be the first time in years I have stayed there since mom's house is sold just a couple of weeks ago. Liz, who is also running, is staying with her sister in Folsom.
The marathon I am running is the CIM or California International Marathon. This 26.2 race has been run on the same course for 29 years.
Day one, Thursday December 1st I arrived at the newly built Terminal B at the Sacramento International Airport. Not knowing that it had a new terminal I was quite shocked that I had to get on a people mover, looked like a fast train. I had to take a long escalator down from the third floor to the first. My plane, which took off late from Salt Lake because of high winds arrived 20 minutes early because of a tail wind. It took Nancy a few minutes to arrive at the airport, but she soon picked me up. It was a new experience for her because everything looked different and she had to pay close attention to the new signs to find me.
After she picked me up we went to lunch at the Subway in Elk Grove by her house. After lunch one place I like to go in Elk Grove is Pet Club. It is a discount store that sells the two treats I feed my dogs at the best price. After that stop we went to her local running store to look around. Then it was on to Kohl's for some shopping time together. We really had a good time just being together. I bought quite a few things for Sunday wear. It was really nice. Soon it was evening and we went to dinner and then to the grocery store. Finally, home to Nancy's where I was greeted by Aiden & Gizmo.
Now this is what a call enough porta potties. |
Day two, Friday December 2nd. Nancy and I spent time with the dogs in the morning and then she drove me out to Folsom to look at the rolling hills in the marathon course. We went to the start line, easy to spot because there was the longest row of porta potties I've ever seen. Since I was concerned about the size of the rolling hills it was nice to see that they weren't steep. We only went a few miles, but it made me feel better to see the terrain. This was so helpful and I was able to finalize my running plan. I decided to do 2:1 right off, not the 3:1 I had planned previously. As previously planned we went to Apple Hill about 30 miles away which is a community where they grow apples. There are a few farms still open for the holiday season and we had a nice lunch and did a little shopping.
Lunch in Apple Hill, Marsha & Nancy. |
Soon it was time to drive into Sacramento, go to the expo and pick up my race number and shirt. My number, issued by entrants last name, was 4917. This was a large race. At the expo there are lots of running booths with all the latest running gear. I love shopping at these.
Loved the decorations at packet pickup. |
Liz and Marsha, ready to run the CIM. |
I met Liz at the expo. This is her 8th marathon this year, her 13th since she started running. She is an inspiration to me. She ran one 16 days ago also. I ended up buying a small running belt called a Spi-belt. It is a small belt to put a few things in like a car key, cell phone, etc. It is pretty stretchy. Nancy & I went out for a nice pasta dinner at Strings after the expo. The carb loading has begun for me.Day three, Saturday December 3. Today Nancy and I are going to her Sheltie club Christmas party, which is a luncheon at The Old Spaghetti Factory. I missed my Sheltie party in Utah. I had a nice time visiting with the folks, especially Nancy's friends Gayle Ann and Terry who both work with Nancy in the No-Cal Sheltie Rescue, a group who find homes for rescued Shelties. After the lunch there was a steal the gift exchange, always an exciting time. Doggie stuff. It was fun. When it was over Nancy and her two friends find a cozy corner and have a private Christmas gift exchange.
That afternoon we got back to Nancy's house and packed to go to a Courtyard Marriott in Sacramento. This was one of the 5am pickup locations for the marathon. We went out for a nice fish dinner together and then we checked into the hotel. Nancy watched as I laid out all my clothes and stuff for the race in the morning. Put my race number on my belt and my sign (made for me by Liz) on the back of my shirt. My goal to qualify to be a Marathon Maniac was one day away!!! It is quite a production to get me ready for race in the early morning. Went to bed about 9:30pm. Alarm is set for 4:15am.
Liz gave me this sign to pin on my back. |
Day four, Sunday. Wake up before alarm. Turn on a small light to let my sister sleep. And start the getting ready process. I like everything to be just right. Once I've got every lotion, cute running clothes and techno gear on I am ready to eat breakfast. 1 shake, 2 cold poached eggs and a piece of bread. Then I head for the bus outside the hotel. I get in for the long ride to the start line.
Before the race, Liz and me. |
When we arrive in Folsom the buses parked and waited in a line of about 5 across blocking the road. There were a lot of them. They stay so that runners can stay warm and have a place to sit until the race starts at 7am. I had to make 2 restroom trips. That's just the way it is race morning. Soon Liz arrived and it was time to line up for the start. I threw my sweat bag on the truck and we lined up.
Liz you maniac. |
GO!!!! And we are off and running. My second marathon in 16 days. It was quite cool out so I kept my jacket, which I bought at a thrift store so when I warm up I will toss it to the side of the road. It will go back to a thrift store. Recycling.
Picked up my pace for this one. |
Most of the course is small rolling hills. Runners call them "rollers." With the lower altitude for me they didn't seem to effect me much at all because I have trained the hills around my home at the 4200 elevation. Breathing here is a piece of cake. And they closed down the entire road for this race so there is no car exhaust to breathe. Wow. So nice and much safer. Feeling strong, I ran a few miles with Liz and then it was time to think about running my own race. My unspoken goal was 5 hours 30 minutes. When the pacer with the 5:25 sign ran by I decided to try to stay by them. I told Liz I wanted that time, she said you're strong, go for it!It was hard keeping in the group when I run 2 min, walk 1 min. So I would run faster, get ahead, then the group would pass by me when I was walking. I did this for miles. Then it was time for my bathroom break. I got in and out quickly but I never could catch back up to that pace group. On my own I kept my time goal in site, it gave me a boost when I saw the 5:25 sign bobbing up and down ahead. I ran the race as hard as I could, loving that my sister was part of my race today and she made a couple of cheering stops along the way. I was making great time, feeling good.
Many things make a great run. The course, the aid stations, the runners, the people cheering, the weather, no waiting at a porta potty ... it was all so perfect. Towards the end of the race I was getting a bit tired and noticed my miles weren't run as fast as I thought I was going. Mile 23 13:01.3 & Mile 24 13:26.2 I got to doing some mental math and realized that I needed to pick up my pace. So I did. Then I saw I was still a little behind and so at about 2 miles out I decided to just run in. No walk breaks. I was so close to my goal, and running in would help me to stay close to it. Mile 25 12:30.4 and Mile 26 11:59.5. Finish line here I come!
With my sister Nancy there to witness my finish I ran in at 5:33.15 !!! A personal record for me. I had run 2 marathons in 16 days and was now a Marathon Maniac. It feels good when I accomplish something hard.