On the Salt Lake Running Company site there is a good article called Beginner's Muck: Everyone Starts Somewhere by Elizabeth Jenkins. She tells about how she got started running and how it helps her. Well worth reading, here are a couple of my favorite parts:
"Every runner has a story as to why they wake up day after day, lace up their shoes, down a snot-like energy gel and hit the road. The greatest thing about running is that everyone can do it. There is no rule book as to how you have to run, what you can and can’t wear while you are running, how far you must go or how fast you must be. It really is the purest form of exercise and with dedication, hard work and a friend or two to help push you, anyone can be a runner."
"My best advice to every new runner would be to not give up. It takes a long time for our bodies to have what it takes just to run. Doing too much too soon is a recipe for unmet goals and endless discouragement. Once you reach the point where you feel like you can call yourself a runner, magic happens and you are on your way to being one of those totally weird long distance people you used to laugh at for running in skin tight clothes, but who you secretly admired for being so bad-a."
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