Glitter, Tinkerbell, Chip, Gizmo and Aiden at Kiva Beach. |
Today we decided to do a bike adventure in the morning. With three people to help getting ready was sweet. First feed dogs, then our breakfast. Then we put dinner in the crock pot: roast, potatoes, and carrots. After that Nancy and I made our picnic lunch: turkey sandwiches, apple, string cheese, cookies and a couple carmels and while Jan began by loading by folding the dog carts.
Before we could load the bikes though, the bike rack we had purchased had to be fixed. Salt Lake City Bike Company had put it together wrong. No wonder it was low causing us so many problems. Two of the bars that hold the bikes were pushed into the hold but never screwed in. First Jan had to hunt up tools. Across on another street they were building a house and he was able to borrow a metric socket set - exactly what we needed. Then he figured out why they put it together wrong. There were some medal burrs stopping it from going together EASILY. Out of his bike kit he got a tiny piece of sandpaper (1" square. LOL) and started sanding. Long process with sandpaper this small! I got out my WD40 from the everything bag and when we still couldn't get it in Nancy remembered she had a hammer in her car. Finally, as a team, we had success. Loading the bikes took time but finally by 11am we were ready and just happy to be going.
Here are the guides for the days adventure:
Driving Directions: From the cabin take Hwy 50 to the "Y" then take Hwy 89 to 13th street. Park on the side streets. The path can be found one block over.
South Lake Tahoe Bike Path
Also called the Forest Bicycle Trail, this blacktopped trail is completely separate from the highway and meanders through the forest for ten miles. Peddle at your own pace and stop along the way to enjoy the sun at two beautiful Lake Tahoe beaches (Pope and Baldwin), visit the restored Baldwin Estate and browse at the Forest Service Visitor Center. Breathe in the pine-scented air as you cross a sparkling mountain stream on a bicycle bridge. Starting where U.S. HWY 50 first touches El Dorado Beach and Picnic Area, this increasingly popular paved path connects to other bike trails and lanes throughout the city of South Lake Tahoe and into Nevada. This trail includes the Pope-Baldwin Bike Path described next.
Pope-Baldwin Bike Path
The Forest Service maintains this nearly flat 3.4 mile path located on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe. Running parallel to SR 89, it begins where the four-lane highway narrows to two lanes. This popular paved path passes through Historic Camp Richardson Resort and offers several scenic side trips to Pope Beach and Baldwin Beach, the Tallac Historic Site, the Lake Tahoe Visitor Center and Fallen Leaf Lake. Please stay on the paved bike trail when passing through the Tallac Historic Site!
Getting ready for the bike hike. |
Our adventure began well. We found the location easily, parked, and unloaded the bikes and carts and then assembled the carts, loaded doggies and we were off. In my Croozer dog cart I had Tinkerbell, Aiden and Chip. Jan was pulling our two senior dogs, Glitter and Gizmo. Nancy was just getting use to her new bike, learning how to shift and adjusting to riding a bike. You know what its like in a new "saddle."
Jan my man. |
The bike ride was lots of fun. Nancy's dogs are just getting use to the carts, and as long as she rides behind Gizmos cart he is as happy as he can be in a crated situation. And Tinkerbell too, she likes to be in my cart. First stop for us was Kiva Beach, a dog friendly beach where we stopped to rest and do some picture taking.
Nancy, Gizmo and Aiden. |
Jan, Chip and Glitter relaxing at Kiva Beach. |
Everyone had their first "Stinger Waffle" for strength. That went over big, I love those things. Back to the bikes. After we left beach it was a short uphill ride back to the bike trail. We were headed back in the direction of the van. Our next stop would be the Tallac Historic Estates. Tinkerbell decided she didn't like riding in Jan's cart (we had switched her) and she figured out how to bail out of my homemade cart. Nancy said she rolled. Luckily she was unharmed. We were able to ride the bikes right in and see most of the historic area. Very few people because it was a weekday. That was nice.
Historic site with several old estates. |
Lots of shade and beautiful gardens to see. Also found this photo opportunity. These estates had livery stables, servants quarters, blacksmith shops, etc.
Marsha and Jan in a fake car. |
Nancy and Marsha in the same fake car. |
As we left the historic site we had a nice view of the lake, then we continued on back down the trail to the van. Stats for the ride: 8.26 miles.
Beach at Tallac Historic Estates. |
Jan at split tree. |
1 comment:
I'm so jealous, it looks like so much fun, and beautiful.
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