Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year's Eve
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday Run

Running day two for the week. I really am excited to try my 6 miles on Saturday. But first I have to make it through a cold 3 mile run on a sNOWy winter morning. Right now it is 20° outside. I guess this is practice how to dress for race day. How nice. Maybe I will wear my new snow/ice attachments that I got for Christmas on my shoes. If you haven't noticed I am in the thinking stage of when I am going to run today. It is only 6:30am and I have the day off work so no hurry. Plus, Jan is going to go use his snow blower - he doesn't like me to walk on his snow before he does that.
Run time is over. Waited until 3pm - it got all the way up to 24.1°. And snowing. So fun. See top left corner of this post for more info. No one likes to be cold alone, so I got both Tink and Chip to go with me. They wore fur coats and fleece leashes. Slowly ran 3 miles (no speed record, but no falls either) on ice and snow and then a half mile walk home. Total time for run: 40:14; 1st Mile 12:57 2nd Mile 13:33 3rd Mile 13:44.
Up at 4am

Today Jan couldn't sleep and him getting up seems to wake me up. So I decided to get a little unpacking from our trip done and then dress for my morning swim. BTW while getting dressed I noticed that my swim shorts were like disintegrating - many places where skin shows through! What's up with that??? One pair is worse than the other. Maybe I'm so fast in the pool it just wears them out. That must be it.
Another storm has descended on Utah and we have snow and rain. The Desert Sharks focus on swimming is coming to a close this week so I wanted to get a few more laps in to make sure I'm set for the drawing. Only one winner. Maybe me. It could happen. Today I did 1000 yards, time of 30:24.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sick Happened

On the positive side, Jan and I were still able to make our drive home from Arizona by switching drivers often so the other could rest and snore if necessary. I didn't hear any snoring.
This week I will be switching running to Tuesday & Thursday, with the long run still on Saturday. And I will get in a swimming day tomorrow. I felt a little weaker today and my times will show that. I am sure with some good fuel in the next few days I hope to be good as new. It sucks to have to eat good all the time. It sucks when I eat things my body does not like.
Today's run was 3 miles with a short walk home afterward. I had to bundle up again, no shorts for awhile. Temperature was a chilly 34.7. My cute little running buddy today was Tinkerbell. She did a great job and tried to keep me moving at a quicker pace then my recovering body could do. Mile 1 11:46 > Mile 2 got worse 12:12 > and then Mile 3 was 12:21 and would have been worse had I just not pushed because I saw I was on track for 13! But I got it done and legs held out after their visit with Stacey from Muscle Works earlier in the afternoon. Another goal met.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Present to Me

After the fun and excitement of stockings on a beautiful Arizona Christmas morning it was time to go for my run. Today three miles is on the schedule. Wearing shorts - in December! Went for two running partners, Chip and Tinkerbell. Although in hind site running through a neighborhood filled with Chihuahuas and Pit Bulls this may not have been the best idea. They bother Tink but they really spook Chip. This slowed me down some because of all the reactions of neighbor dogs to running Shelties. But it doesn't matter, I got the run done. Mile 1 12:00 Mile 2 12:40 Mile 3 12:56. Not pretty but miles were run and week 4 of marathon training is behind me.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Technical Difficulties

Well tech stuff can be frustrating at times and as well prepared as I wanted to be my computer skills failed me. I wanted to be able to download my Forerunner stats to my laptop but I could not get my wireless connection to work. So I tried it on Violet's computer but could not get that going either.
Remember the "but it doesn't matter" positive thought from a few weeks ago.... well I had to dig down deep and use that because in the end, even though all my training is lumped into one big session on my gps - I was still able to run and bike as planned. And so there is a record of how my training went, not just as perfect as I would have liked. I am sure that dealing with something not going perfect was my test. And I survived to run another day.
Enjoyed my bike day. Wasn't long but it was nice. And it was warm out, YES. Also spent time biking with the grandchildren Violet, Marley and Zeke. 5 miles.
Running in the Rain

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Swim Rest Day

While swimming it came to me that Dianna, one of the Desert Shark club members, put out a challenge for us to swim the English Channel for the month of December: 21 miles or 36,960 yards. Although I will fall short of her challenge I was reflecting on the woman who taught me and my sister Nancy to swim: Greta Anderson, the woman who in 1957 won the first English Channel race and was the first woman to complete five crossing of the English Channel and set speed records in both directions! How cool is that. I remember watching Nancy swim under water with her eyes open and follow Greta around the pool.
A summer goal for me this year is take some lessons in open water (lake) swimming so that I can enter the BAM triathlon.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Two Shelties + Running

Today was an afternoon run with the temperature at 34 degrees with a little wind. It was Chip's turn to run with me, but because I didn't want to leave Tinkerbell behind I decided to try running with both dogs. I put 2 leashes on my run belt on my right side and then hooked up Tink and Chip and off we went.
Since this week is my "rest" week where I decreased my training time I decided to see if I could run a little faster since I was only going 2 miles. First mile was fast for me: 8:44. My second mile I started getting a little stitch in my side so I slowed down a bit and finished in 10:54. Overall it was a nice run and I was pleased. Worked the stitch in my side thing out. Tinkerbell and Chip loved the faster pace and when I started walking after the two miles they were disappointed and kept looking at me like "come on 2 miles is for wimps, we're marathoners!" with the walk back home I had total miles of 2.58 and 29:29 for my time.
Run Fat Boy Run

Movie Review: Thought I'd check out a movie that came up when I was searching the word "marathon" in the library catalog for books. I had never seen a Simon Pegg movie. This was funny. I thought it also had several good messages.The importance of friends who believe in you and support (however twisted :-) that they give to you. Who can forget the spatula!
Never give up. How using "inner strength" and finishing the race for the right reason built confidence. Run for your right reason. I enjoyed the "hitting the wall" scenario and how it was resolved. I just don't recommend 3 weeks to train for a marathon....ya need a little more time.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
First 5 Miler

The day dawned a bit warmer for the morning run, but it felt pretty cold with the south wind. When I went running it was 32.9, and actually later warmed up to 43 in the afternoon. But ya never know, I just like to get it done.
Tink and I waited for some morning light before leaving. With the slight dusting of snow on the ground our footsteps sounded crunchy. Also noticed other runners footprints, we weren't the first ones out. We headed south into the wind, running toward where we take herding lessons. I had planned on actually running to the site but some hills stopped me...don't notice them so much in the van... and I was worried about slipping.
Met a guy out walking with an unleashed German Shepherd. Tinkerbell and I had to stay in place while he tried to get a leash on it. It was actually quite comical doggie rodeo because "Rambo" wouldn't come and was staying just out of reach. I realized he was a puppy and no threat and just enjoyed the show. Tinkerbell gave him her lip curl when he kept trying to sniff her.
Today while running I thought about how warm my feet were in my smart wool running socks and wondered if Tink's feet were frozen. When we got home this time I checked them. They were cold and wet but I could tell that the movement keeps her warm like it does me. She must have smart feet.
Today's run set no speed records with the dog incident and being careful not to slip and fall.
The fastest mile was 12:27, the slowest 13:41.
Time 1:04:47.
Left leg is sore and will need some work Tuesday. That will hurt more than any run so far.
And another milestone, I ran a total of 11 miles for the week and swam 2700 yards!
And then there is little miss Tinkerbell and her zoomies. This run gave her another extreme case. Take the poll about her at the top of the blog.
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Swim day this morning. In the pool at 4:45am. I know, I just woke up so why not leave for the pool. And anyway, Jan couldn't breathe because of sinus infection so there was no one to cuddle with. And when I go to the pool there were others already swimming so I'm not so crazy.
Today I decided to do a few extra laps and I swam 1500 yards, 45:22. This is actually .85 mile. Lifetime has a 25 yard pool so there are lots of pauses as I turn. And I keep a pen & paper and water bottle so each 100 yds I make a slash so I don't have to remember how many I have done. And I get a sip of water too. In the water my legs didn't hurt. So that was nice. Swim chick is going to Arizona for Christmas next week so I will only be swimming once next week and then biking on my cross-training day. Maybe I will have to drive by a pool just so I can inhale some chlorine.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Crazy?! Well, well we already established that when my fingers and credit card signed me up for a marathon. I saw only one other person on the trail. And there were lots of animals out. Their footprints were everywhere in the snow. It was really peaceful and very fun looking to see where all the animals go. And Tinkerbell was loving it. Since we didn't expect to meet anyone I let her off leash to run beside me.
This mornings run log, not as bad a times as I thought they would be with running on the snow. Right on goal for marathon training schedule.
Mile 1 12:19
Mile 2 12:03
Mile 3 12:22
and the walk back .33 mile
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Cross-training Swim Day

Swim done for the day. Woke up at 4:15...well I got in bed at 8:30 last night so not too bad, waited in bed for a half hour before I got up. I guess the dogs thought it was early, without me asking they all went back to bed after being let out. I was in the pool by 5:15am. Two other swimmers already there so I did not break any "don't swim alone" rules. My swim time today was 40:57. 1200 yards. Right on target for my shark goal and marathon goal.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Training Week Three - Fine weather
We're getting a new water heater right now so I get no shower until they finish and the water comes up to temperature. Sigh. But it doesn't matter because I had a nice run.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Big News!
Dear Marsha Monson:
This e-mail serves as your confirmation into the Canyonlands Half Marathon on March 19, 2011.
I was actually entered in a lottery for this half marathon with some shark friends. Moab here I come!
Mental Motivators
"As the noted saying goes - training is 90 percent physical and 10 percent mental, but look out for that 10 percent."
So many times in life we have to fail to achieve and that is so hard for me because at the time I don't want to fail. Sometimes I've set myself up for it by lack of preparation and sometimes I was prepared and it happened anyway.
"Making the decision to run a marathon is the easy part. It is the follow-up that proves to be the challenge." I have learned a few things already. I can run when it is very cold. I can run with a tummy ache. I can plan my blog while I run. I have to have something to think about because I haven't worked out the music thing yet and thinking about "my daily life challenges" is not motivating.
I have one mental motivator I am working on for my 26.2 run that I will reveal later, the idea is from my Desert Shark friend Cindi. The book mentions several:
Visualization: "As a first-time marathoner, you should spend time visualizing yourself getting ready, being on the starting line, and seeing yourself finish, feeling good."
Focus: "Part of the experience is learning to concentrate and focus on your running when order to monitor your effort and your body."
Self Confidence: "I can do it. If your are programmed to believe in your success, you will achieve it. It has been proven time and again that we are what we think, and we achieve what we believe we are capable of achieving."
Mike Franfurt who did his 50th and last marathon on the day of his 60th birthday, on the day he finished his first marathon at 40 he says "it suddenly flashed through my mind, I can do anything. I just ran a marathon."
Happy Saturday Run
Here are the results:
4 miles, 51:43 fastest mile 12:29 and slowest 13:16.
After the run we had a cool down walk for a half mile.
When we got home Tinkerbell got THE worst case of the zoomies. She was ALL over the house, upstairs and downstairs. Jan had a special breakfast for his volunteer work as a sound technician at the Festival of the Trees so I hurried to the shower. After my shower Tinkerbell finally looked more tired than me.
Here is my elevation summary:
Elevation Gain: | 206 ft |
Elevation Loss: | 207 ft |
Min Elevation: | 4,285 ft |
Max Elevation: | 4,406 ft |
Friday, December 10, 2010
Marathon Nutrition & Pace Team
The book suggests to learn to run wearing a fanny pack with my own nutrition supplies. At this point in my training I really don't know how long it will take me, but it probably is a good bet I could be out there approximately 6 hours. So I will need to carefully plan my fuel intake and water intake and most importantly I will need to memorize what miles the porta potties are at!
While studying the website to see race cut-off time, I came across a free running support they offer during the marathon - a Pace Team. So, since I have no one to run with I decided to sign up. Here is what it says about it:
Running with a pace team is a great deal of fun. The mental pressure of calculating your pace is removed, as the leader does that for you; the emotional pressure of staying motivated is removed, as the leader does that for you; and some of the physical stress is reduced, as the pacer will keep you from going out too fast. We have had many runners tell us that they would not have reached their goal without the help of the pace team.
The advantages you gain from running with us can help make a difference in your final result to the point where you can finish faster than if you run the race alone. However, you still do have the biggest part in this happening. If you aren't properly trained, you won't get any magic benefit from running with the pace team. The marathon is still 26.2 miles, a distance that needs to be respected. But if you come to the starting line physically, mentally and emotionally prepared, you can definitely benefit from running with our group
It just sounds more fun every day doesn't it? You wanna do it now too. Tomorrow is 4 miles. Real snowy weather would force me inside but I'm hoping for a break, only need about 50 minutes.
Tip from a pace team member: The training in the difficult part—the Marathon is the reward. Believe in your training and enjoy the Marathon!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
December 9th - Sad & Happy Feelings
In the pool by 5:05am. Early morning to get my laps in before the master swim class arrives. The water is kinda cool, but once I get some blood flowing I warm up. Another goal achieved today, I have my 2000+ yards I need to be on track for the Desert Shark's swim competition this month. I am 400 yards ahead of planned 2000 a week because I will be gone during Christmas for a few days. Lap storage.
Swim today was 1200 yards. Time 37:06.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Running with company
My stats for the run were right on goal: Run 2.5 miles and walk another .35 miles home. Total time: 36:34. This GPS watch is so cool.
Running Gear Essential: A Training Log
So back to the training log article, and I quote Jose Jimenez, "While you certainly don't need a training log to hit the road and run, such information will provide motivation, insight, quiet suggestions for improvement, and a plan for your goal. It could be the separator between the recreational jogger and the dedicated runner. No gear junkie would ever turn away a product with those claims." And there we have it. I think I am a gear junkie. That is actually part of the motivation to run. Like today, I can hardly wait to get home and get that Garmin GPS on my wrist and take it out for a run. How is that for motivation!
As you can see I have already chosen to do my journal electronically, and I am still trying out several different actual training logs to find one I like. My blog with log is now where I can get to all my favorite sites.
So quoting Jose again, "Don't get to race week wondering if you have trained enough to meet your race goals. Get logging today!"
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Swim chick - chlorine is my perfume
The swim today was 1200 yards, about 36 minutes.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Week Two - Day One and the sun is out
Miss Tinkerbell was my running companion today, and she was all fired up. Took a couple minutes for the GPS to find satellites and then we were off. All this time I thought to the bridge and back was under 3 miles, come to find out I've been telling everyone I haven't run further than a 5K when in fact a couple of weeks ago I actually ran 4 miles during my practice for The Human Race. Needless to say I was excited.
Stats for today, I will be brief because now I have lots of details for each mile... Ran 3 miles, 38:18 and then walked another .58 mile. Made today's marathon goal of run 20-35 minutes.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I am a Marathoner
I set goals and work hard to accomplish them
I understand the power of the human will
I strive to help others in their quest for success
I know that I can face whatever road lies ahead
I am not satisfied with the status quo
My true self shines through I am a Marathoner
I found this on the internet today and thought this is who I am going to be. Those who have run before me have been reaching out to lend a hand in my quest for Marathon success, some in person and by email and some in books who don't even know me.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sweets not so sweet
Off the treadmill, with my bright red sweaty face, my 3 miles completed, a time of 36:45 - I headed to the dressing room bench and my recovery drink. Amazingly, my body was glad to have the drink and actually began to feel better. Good enough to do the little extra I had planned, the 1000 yard swim. The water was cool and relaxing and I made the swim in 34:30. I was pleased to make my 2000 yds this week for the USAT National Challenge, it puts me on track for the monthly shark goal of 8000 yds.
Time to get out the nutrition information I purchased from Debbie Perry and get on the success track as far as diet goes. I thought I could totally slip in a day of indulgence and get away with it. How wrong I was.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Early Swim
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I've got some bruising...
This morning it was back to the gym for another run. Shorts and tank top. Still hot but I survived. No foot dragging thanks to a working psoas. Kept up a nice easy pace for 2 miles, finished in 25.02. 8 tenths of a second better than Monday. Workout really was about run for 15-30 minutes, on goal for the day.
And the bruising? dark finger spots all up and down my right leg from my massage by Stacey. I'm trying to get her back by getting her to sign up for a half-marathon. I'll let you know how that goes.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Day Two - Warm up for USAT National Challenge
My triathlon club, Desert Sharks, is competing in the USAT National Challenge for the winter. This competition is to keep athletes motivated and active during the off season. The Challenge begins tomorrow, December 1 with swimming being the focus for December. January the focus is cycling mileage, and February running mileage. Each participating club in the USAT has its members record distances and we compete against each other.
Within our club we also have a competition to swim 8,000 yards in the month of December if we want to be entered in a special drawing. I don't know if I will make that goal or not with all the running I will be doing, but I can help the club with what I do swim each week.
Good thing 95% of my Christmas shopping is done and wrapped. House decorated. I'm going to be a busy grandma.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Day One
Today I ran 2 miles, a time of 25:10. Not quite as nice a pace as race day, but on the treadmill I seem to be a little bit of a foot dragger. After experiencing the start of a trip I didn't want to take, and feeling like I could have done a face plant and embarrassed myself, I was careful with my speed. Happy Day. I achieved my goal of one training session.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Extreme Makeover: Marathon Lifestyle
You are probably thinking I've already been running, which is true. But I have been able to pull off 3 miles with not a whole lot of practice. This will be different. No cramming for the final will work. This is a whole lot of 5K's in a row.
In one of her serious moments, Dawn Dais says, "Keep in mind the new habits you're forcing on yourself aren't just a good idea- they are habits that will literally make or break your entire training. And if you're going to bother to venture off your recliner, you may as well bother to do it right."
Extreme Makeover: Marathon Lifestyle
The Day
The daily routine must stretch to include running and cross-training.
Get creative.
Find what time of day works:
"Regularly Scheduled Time of Movement" it can become part of my routine. It has before, it can again.
What happens EVENTUALLY.... "you wonder what you used to do with all the time you now spend running." Got a little caught up in TV lately. That has to end. Gotta go to bed early. Tonight the snow covered the dish. Easy choice.
The Food
Best part of marathon training is food food food. And carbs are on the list.
You have to take in a lot of calories the more the distances and times increase.
And MOST of the time they have to be good ones.
And lots of water. Easy for me I am the water queen. I actually rarely drink anything but water.
And once in awhile Dawn recommends the "I so deserve this" reward meal. You know what I'm talking about, you can taste it now.
The Energy
"Training turns your lifestyle upside down and is a tremendous undertaking. But your energy level increases to meet your body's need. Instead of feeling exhausted after a run, you'll often feel recharged." Dawn Dais
I thought this was funny what Dawn says about the Long Runs: "Every week they wait for me, these long runs, and I can see them in the distance throughout the week, as I begrudgingly make my way closer to the dreaded Saturday."
I am hours away from my training start line. I'm ready.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Focusing On The Positive
When I think or say something like "my legs are sore" or "the weather is rotten" (I can hear these excuses loud and clear right now) I say or think "but it doesn't matter." Authors say, "It really DOESN"T matter unless you believe it does. You can, and will, run anyway. And you will be really glad you did when you are finished." And the key is to use the phrase for everything negative in daily life. Negative can happen quickly with me - this will be useful tool and a great life changer as I make this a new habit.
My sweetheart, Jan, is so good at this, actually he helped me yesterday when some holiday trim wouldn't stay where I put it. I am way ahead with a good example and great support.
In 25 weeks my training program will be over, and quoting the book again "but the skills you learn during that process can have lifelong consequences if you continue to apply them. One of the most important involves adopting the habit of seeing the positive instead of the negative."
Ready. Set. Positively Run.
Black Friday Shoe Shopping
BTW: I also replaced the socks a Sheltie in my house chewed a hole in. Shopping experience would have been perfect if I could have bought a pair of one sock. Now I have three. I guess on the positive side I have two to use one to loose. No, not one to chew, that doesn't rhyme.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Utah Human Race - Thanksgiving Morning 8am
Race morning was VERY cold. The sun did come up, probably it got up to 7 degrees before the race was finished. 3000 people raised $40,000 for the Utah Food Bank. Had a great running time, 35:18.9 for second place in my age division. Pace was 11:23.5. I think that is my fastest time yet.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
2010 Utah Human Race
Benefiting the Utah Food Bank, we made $70,000.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Getting Ready: Race & Thanksgiving
Left home today at 7:15am it was 1°F. Off to an 8am Muscle Works appointment to get a "performance enhancement" (I told you I needed those) done on my legs. Should help the race go well tomorrow. Nails done (also critical component for race day), pick up rolls, a few last minute groceries and race packet pickup this afternoon. Pie baking tonight.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Beat the Blizzard

Looks like Utah is in for a blizzard. Many activities canceled for the evening. Someone in the weather department is really trying to challenge me. No canceling of the run today. So off work a little early to get it done before the storm (and hair appointment - critical since I am using photos). In agility it was pictures of the dog, sooooo much easier. They were always cute!
This is my training run for Thanksgiving morning. Decided I needed a running buddy, so since Tinkerbell's agility class was canceled she got picked. Today's temp 41 degrees, the wind again from the north about 20-30MPH - with lots of big gusts. Into the wind caused me to push pretty hard to go forward and I got a very cold face, wind at the back gave a nice push. Tink looked back several times wondering who was blowing on her butt! I was tired when we got back, Tinkerbell on the other hand got the zoomies as soon as we got home after jogging 40 minutes. So much for tiring her out.
My thoughts on the run....with such a crazy day I was thinking there must be another reason I am doing this! No one else is out running. And then I remembered- 6th grade and the President's Physical Fitness Award. I qualified in everything except the One-Mile Run. I remember getting two chances. I know my second try was very close to the time. I did not get the award. I was crushed- I wanted it bad. So this marathon will erase the thoughts stored in my head that I can't run distance.
BTW lost my black cap to the wind. I got that cap last year on clearance. Grrrrr.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Finally, first bike ride on my new bike!
Have been waiting to ride.....first it was because I had to have shoes and get my pedals installed on the bike...then because every day I had time it was a RUN day and that had to come first. This bike is sweet. And light. And pretty. I am definitely going to be faster. No one will be saying they "should give you extra points for riding that bike." I need a little time to practice shifting since I don't have the cute little number dials like on my comfort bike, now I have "big girl" SRAM shifters. And the path by the Jordan River, almost completely snow free so I cruised along enjoying the scenery. Was a cool 42 degrees and I had a couple of cold spots on me but I will figure out how to dress to make those spots warm. My first official group bike ride, Thanksgiving Day, after I run the Utah Human Race its off to Infinite Cycles and their Fight the Fat Road Ride. (Weather permitting) Running I'm going snow or shine!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My Reasons: CHAPTER two homework
I'm going to run this marathon because I paid $75 to enter.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
I've made much more expensive mistakes than $75 worth. I can afford to loose that much.
I have family members and several friends who think I can do this.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
If they are family and true friends they will love me no matter what I do.
REASON: In the past I have enjoyed challenging myself with difficult goals.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument: Haven't I done enough difficult goals. Maybe I should choose something less physically demanding. Something more suited to an 8 times grandma. Like learning to sing? At least I could be out of breath while standing in place.
I'm going to do this because at my age this is my last chance to get in shape.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
I think I already use this reason to "get in shape" for sprint triathlons? What more do I need to prove to myself? Out of 3 people in my age group I got 3rd place in my first triathlon!
In my dreams while sleeping I run and I like it and I'm good at it.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
Yeah, that says it all, in my dreams.
I can run it in honor of my sister, Nancy, a now 5 year breast cancer survivor.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
I did already honor her a couple of years ago by actually not walking but running the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, my first ever 5K in 45 minutes! She should be happy with that.
I could run a marathon like many others do, as a fundraiser for a cause I believe in.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
Except for the fact that I dislike asking for donations maybe more than I don't like running. How would that work?
To have a runner's body and happy running attitude.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
Believe it or not, this is a get off my butt motivator for me. I want to be slim and in shape because I have a vague memory of how it feels and it tends to enhance all areas of my life. And as I age I am finding I need more and more enhancers. Also I can travel lighter because my clothes are smaller, so I can take more stuff in my carry-on luggage, like running shoes. Plus taking a little weight off my body is definitely cheaper than buying something else expensive made of carbon to keep me riding light on my bike. And attitude, well I look at all the smiling runners and wonder if that could be me. It would make less wrinkles on my face than the tortured look I'm wearing now.
I could run in memory of my mom, she was so courageous during her battle with leukemia. It was inspiring how hard she fought because she knew her family here on earth wasn't ready to let her go. Looking back I realize she protected us from the truth. Also she didn't complain, except about hospital food but that shouldn't count. Most of all she kept her unique sense of humor until her passing- something I just can't help but admire.
Exhausted on a bench counterargument:
How can I argue. What a great lady to honor with a marathon run.
I am counting on my last two reasons get me through the toughest times, and my other reasons actually hold a lot of motivation for me too. I'm hoping that they "don't crack under pressure" of all the training I need to do.