Well tech stuff can be frustrating at times and as well prepared as I wanted to be my computer skills failed me. I wanted to be able to download my Forerunner stats to my laptop but I could not get my wireless connection to work. So I tried it on Violet's computer but could not get that going either.
Remember the "but it doesn't matter" positive thought from a few weeks ago.... well I had to dig down deep and use that because in the end, even though all my training is lumped into one big session on my gps - I was still able to run and bike as planned. And so there is a record of how my training went, not just as perfect as I would have liked. I am sure that dealing with something not going perfect was my test. And I survived to run another day.
Enjoyed my bike day. Wasn't long but it was nice. And it was warm out, YES. Also spent time biking with the grandchildren Violet, Marley and Zeke. 5 miles.
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