Swim day this morning. In the pool at 4:45am. I know, I just woke up so why not leave for the pool. And anyway, Jan couldn't breathe because of sinus infection so there was no one to cuddle with. And when I go to the pool there were others already swimming so I'm not so crazy.
Today I decided to do a few extra laps and I swam 1500 yards, 45:22. This is actually .85 mile. Lifetime has a 25 yard pool so there are lots of pauses as I turn. And I keep a pen & paper and water bottle so each 100 yds I make a slash so I don't have to remember how many I have done. And I get a sip of water too. In the water my legs didn't hurt. So that was nice. Swim chick is going to Arizona for Christmas next week so I will only be swimming once next week and then biking on my cross-training day. Maybe I will have to drive by a pool just so I can inhale some chlorine.
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