Training Plan

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spirit of the Marathon

This movie was suggest for me to watch by my friend and fellow Marathon Maniac Angie. Since I was trying to ramp up my running "spirit" to believe I could run 3 marathons in 7 days I decided to watch this.

Spirit of the Marathon
The movie web site says: "Are you familiar with our movie? The film is a must see for anyone thinking about running a marathon and anyone who has run one or more. It's also a must see for anyone wondering why thousands of people spend many months training for such an event. It celebrates the history and heroes of the sport and examines the personalities and training methods of the participants.
It is the first film to capture the story, drama and ultimate essence of the legendary 26.2 mile running event. Filmed globally in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia, the movie brings together a diverse cast of amateur athletes and marathon luminaries.
As six unique stories unfold, each runner prepares for and ultimately faces the challenge of the Chicago Marathon. More than a sports movie, Spirit of the Marathon is an inspirational journey of perseverance and personal triumph; a spectacle that will be embraced by runners and non-runners alike."

What an interesting, fun movie, and very motivational. I enjoyed the approach of showing the preparation of the different runners. What is so cool is that the marathon is a race for everyone, not just the elite runners. The accomplishment can be felt by anyone who has the desire to train for one. And yes, you will never be quite the same once you have run one.

Movie web site:

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