Training Plan

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Finished 13.1 - Dog Town Half

I remember not so long ago thinking I wish I could run 6 miles so I could enter a 10K (like the one through the gardens at Thanksgiving Point). It wasn't too long after that I clicked on the link that entered me in a marathon. 20 miles over that little 6 mile dream. Now here I am, I am on my way to the bigger dream, I just ran 13.1 miles.
All my preparation went well for this event. Drinking lots of water on Friday, created lots of stops on the way to St. George. But I was hydrated and did well.
When we got to Washington we checked into the Red Cliffs Inn and then drove to Washington Community Center to check in and get our race packets. We also browsed the booths set up by the Homeless Animal Rescue Team (HART) and others to help raise money for homeless pets and to help purchase a police dog for Washington City.
Friday I also ate lots of small meals and snacks. I was a little worried about a choice for dinner Friday evening but we settled on Applebee's where I had:
Chicken Broccoli Pasta Alfredo
Juicy grilled chicken on a warm bed of fettuccine tossed with fresh broccoli and creamy Alfredo sauce. Topped with Parmesan and served with toasted side bread.
I had them leave off the Alfredo sauce and Parmesan cheese. I added a bit of butter. It was great and best of all my intestinal results the next morning were ok.
After dinner we went back to the rooms. Cyndie and I went over some recent training runs of mine on and she was commenting after looking at my heart rate that I am not running fast enough. My heart rate hasn't even been getting into the fat burning zone. I stay in the recovery - cool off zone. Tell that to my legs - they think they have arrived in the torture zone. Guess I will have to work on that next week. She said I at least needed to run harder for a couple of miles. And I thought Cyndie was my friend.
The warmer St. George winter weather I was hoping for did not materialize. Keep that cute running skirt for another day. Looks like I was destined to run in the weather I trained in. We arrived at the park early because Jan's 9K race was starting at 8:30am. It was lightly raining, cold and windy so Jan dressed appropriately for walking. People thought he was a volunteer with the fluorescent orange coat so they'd ask him race questions. What a great husband he is for coming out to support me in the fowl weather. 
I started out with a short sleeve shirt based on the temperature but it was just too cold so before my race I changed into long sleeves. Cyndie gave me a rain poncho to wear - this really worked great to keep me from getting wet and chilled before the race. It came off early in the race as it stopped raining and also I got too hot. Cyndie and I were also noisy, I thought we sounded like a flag whipping in the wind.
Here is Jan on the starting line. Who, let the dogs out... who who? Ready, Set, Go! Click here to see Jan's race results in the Dogtown K9 9K.
The half marathon started at 9am and I was ready. I was running with a group of fun ladies, Cyndie Nell, Liz Gotter and Stella BlightHere is a before the race picture.
L-R: Cyndie, Marsha, Stella & Liz
We did the run/walk where we ran for 2 minutes walked for 1 minute. We use a little timer called the Gymboss. It beeps and we run. It beeps and we walk. During the race we talked, told stories, encouraged each other and enjoyed the scenery and the clear clean air.  Well at least most of the air. There were some cattle ranches out there and the smell was less than desirable. I wonder if our times were faster as we ran by trying not to breathe through our nose?! Here is a picture of me taken by Cyndie, don't I look happy to be running a half marathon? I have included her caption as she put it on facebook.
"Marsha still thinks running is fun. What other 55 year old thinks they I should run a marathon this year."
Those walk breaks we took were nice. Although sometimes the timing was off. Like when they occurred on the downhill instead of the uphill, what's up with that? Below you can see me, I took a picture of my red face during a walk break. That close up with no makeup is scary.
The Dogtown Half Marathon was a fun race, I was prepared. Here is what I was carrying in and on my race belt. All the essentials, camera, cell phone, 2 8oz bottles of water with Prolytes (makes water a sports drink), 2 GU packets, 3 Shot Bloks in Cran-Razz flavor, 1 van key, $10 just in case.
 "Let's run girls."
The one thing that did get all of us was that we hadn't done any hill work because this race was supposed to be a gradual downhill in Coral Canyon. At the last minute they changed the course because of the predicted rain. I guess they felt the canyon would be unsafe. So running in a rural Washington we did several hills I wasn't prepared for. My running leg muscles are a lot more sore than usual. I spent some time thinking during hills about the special person I was running for, Maurine Geiger. It was her birthday present. Happy Birthday Maurine! We did it!
Here we all are after the Dogtown Half Marathon, we don't look too bad for a group who just ran 13 miles. I've included Cyndie's caption.
L-R: Jan, Marsha, Stella, Liz & Cyndie
"We made it. We showed those hills who is the boss.
Jan ran the 9k he is Marsha's husband.
With Jan, Marsha, and me we make half the Brady Bunch."

Well it was personal record race for me. I've never run that far before. I found out I need to include some hill work in my training because I could sure feel the difference. I learned how fun it is to run with a group. During mile 11 I decided I had enough energy to run a little harder during the last mile and not take walk breaks so that's what I did.
 "Cyndie coming over the finish line. You can see me in the distance."
 "Marsha coming over the finish line."
If you click here you can see my race results for my first half marathon. My mile splits are as follows: Mile1 12:06 Mile2 12:39 Mile3 12:38 Mile4 12:37 Mile5 12:47 Mile6 12:52 Mile7 13:17 Mile8 13:38 Mile9 13:37 Mile10 13:25 Mile11 13:29 Mile12 13:10 Mile13 11:06. And I did better on my heart rate this run.
"Hot Pink Ladies! Tinkernell "Cyndie" and I pose with our finisher medals. Cyndie is a really sweet person, and funny, and she tells me like it is - to get my butt moving I'm not working hard enough. It is hard to believe we've known each other for less than two months! What a wonderful friend."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Headed to my First HALF MARATHON

The time has finally come! I am going to run my first half marathon. Signing up for a run in Southern Utah I was anticipating some nice weather but its looking like that will not be the case. On the positive side, the weather will be like what I have been training in, what could be better than that!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dedicating My Run Saturday to Maurine Geiger

Saturday, February 26, 2011 my friend Maurine Geiger will be turning 50. Almost six years ago she helped organize a most awesome surprise 50th birthday party for me. She now lives in Florida and since I cannot attend her party I am doing something special for her that she cannot do for herself. Run. Several years ago she was diagnosed with MS and her life as she knew it was changed forever. Maurine has her good days and her bad days. She has not let MS take away her love for life, and I am always amazed at the spirit it takes to live with this disease. So happy birthday Maurine, these 13.1 miles I will run Saturday will be for you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Last Training Run Before 13.1

Well I don't really run with wolves. But I know there are fox and deer out there. And there was a moon and it was dark. I tried to get out of bed at 5am. Then peaked at the clock at 5:30am, and by 5:45am I knew it was now or in the afternoon when I am too busy so I got up and checked the temperature gauge in the kitchen, 27 degrees, and got dressed appropriately for running. Tink looked at me like I was crazy when I hooked her on to the leash. Then I remembered she probably needed a chance to visit the little doggie bathroom out back. I think I got that look because she was enjoying her new bed. She sleeps with me now. Well she is not supposed to because of Jan's allergies, but she just gets up and cuddles with me after we are asleep. Smart dog.
By a little after 6am Tink and I set out in the dark. We both seem to have pretty good night vision. Only saw one other person running. I keep forgetting to download a 4 mile play list I made so I used the 5 mile one. Practiced the run / walk. Missed one of the cues, but overall went good. I have finally learned how to turn it on and get it started. Ran a little slower today, but I do have the big race day on Saturday.
Didn't take time for the heart rate monitor. Mile1: 12:21 Mile2: 12:45 Mile3: 13:26 Mile4: 13:41.

BTW there is still time to sign up for the Dogtown Half Marathon, click here!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Jeff Galloway has a chapter in MARATHON You can do it! Called Countdown, it is about what to do two days before the race. Well my countdown as of today for the actual marathon is 90 days, 3 months friends and I will run 26.2 miles.

Jeff talks about how you can significantly enhance “the way you feel afterward and the quality of your performance by choosing certain behaviors and avoiding others.” So since my Dogtown Half Marathon this weekend is somewhat of a trial run, what are those behaviors? Be in charge of yourself the crucial 48 hours. Here is what to do:

Be positive. Use your list of Magic Marathon Words.
Drink! 4 to 6 ounces of water every hour you are awake.
Avoid dehydrating elements: alcohol (easy), caffeine (easy), salt (a bit harder if I eat out)
Eat! Little meals/snacks all day long (the good for you type)
Check out staging area.
Rest. You don’t have to sleep (I plan too) but you must rest.
Wake up. Leave plenty of time to not rush. I have an internal alarm, but just in case I’m setting one on phone.
Day of race drinking plan: “glass of water after you wake up. Cut off water intake as you do before a long run, use bathroom before the start of the race.”
Eat before you start.
Start slowly.
Take walk breaks. That’s the plan, just listen to Gymboss.
Eat while running. All ready with my Clif Shot Bloks.
Pacing tips: we’ll save those for marathon.
HAVE FUN! “By staying within your physical capabilities from the beginning, you can enjoy the people, the joking, the sights, and the overall experience. Be gentle on yourself throughout the marathon and the enjoyment will flow.”

“The marathon is a race for champions. It is not only about physical endurance but also mental and emotional endurance and strength. Marathoning for me is not only about putting one foot in front of the other for 26 miles, it is about sharing stories with others I most likely would not have met had we not had the common goal of staying upright and feeling good for 26.2 miles. We each come to the marathon with our own goals, desires, and dreams and find along the way others who have something to teach us.”  ~Margot Springfield

Blog Review - Cindy's Adventrues

Read a cool blog today by a new friend in my ward, Cindy Colin. She blogged about the Top of Utah Marathon where she went to support her sister and brother in law who were running their first marathon. It is a great story of how she drove from place to place and spread her encouragement around to many runners and really went the extra mile. You can just feel she gained as much or more from the experience as she gave.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Run Day Today

Yesterday I went to visit Jen, she is a massage therapist and a runner. She did some work on my muscles massaging to make them long. Spent some time on my feet and suggested I keep using a tennis ball at work to roll around under my feet. She showed me some excellent calf stretches which I am going to enjoy. She also encouraged me to drink lots of water this week in preparation for the race and told me to eat good, protein & carbs, no red meat the night before like I did before my 12 miles. I just thought high protein, a nice filet mignon for fuel to run with. Well red meat is harder to digest. Oh well. Food reward myself after the run if I need to.

Was just sitting here reading my last two fortune cookie fortunes:
"Use all your abilities at this time to stay focused on your goal. You will succeed."
"All your hard work will soon pay off."

Run Stats: Mile1: 12:00  Mile2: 12:14  Mile3: 12:22  Mile4: 12:19  The really funny flat area that you will notice if you go out to look at my heart rate, well my running partner, she had to go and could not wait so we stopped.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Race Week

This week I will be running my first half marathon, 13.1 miles. I am very excited. I have prepared and know I am ready. This will be a person record for me. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and be nice. Let me define nice, no rain or snow or high winds. Should I include floods? part of the course was washed away by floods, not sure if the repairs will be finished in time for the race. Well anyway, I would like to wear my cute new running skirt if the weather is nice. Some part of me needs to look good as I set this new personal record because when I finish I will be sweaty with a red face. 
I have several appointments planned in preparation for race day. Monday I go to see Jen at Zenergy Bodywork & Massage to get a nice massage. Then Thursday I will be going to see Stacey at Muscle Works to get the quick-twitch performance enhancement for my legs. After that I will be heading to Dr. Hall to get adjusted.
Other things to do this week for race prep is put the two passenger seats back in the van, replenish my water supply, get my other two run days and two cross-train days done, EAT RIGHT, GET LOTS OF REST.... yes I am shouting at myself. Hopefully I will listen.
Thanks to Cyndie I won’t be running my first half marathon alone. A couple of weeks ago she decided to enter and come run with me. Then last Saturday she called and said that Liz and Stella are entering the Dogtown Half Marathon too and want to ride down with us so we can run together. It’s a half marathon party! How fun is that. All this running can be lonely sometimes, and I am happy to be running with new friends. Also, Liz and I were on different running schedules so she is switching to mine so that we will have our long runs on the same days. How nice is that. I am very blessed.

Crab Feed

What do you do in the evening after your training run? Why you go to an all you can eat crab & shrimp feed because you don’t have to run the next day and you deserve to because you burned all those calories running earlier. You can tell I am the voice of experience. You don’t want to do this the night before you run. You need a tummy recovery day. I had a very enjoyable dinner with my sister Nancy, Dean and some of her neighbors and friends at an annual crab feed they go to. Once you get tickets to this event, that seat is yours for years until you choose not to purchase. And at Mary’s table she takes care of you. If someone is in your assigned seat she personally gives them the boot! Nobody messes with Mary.
The feed starts out with wine which they provide. Although quickly more bottles of wine appear from bags and join the house wine on the table. Jan and I did a BYOB too - of Mount Olympus water. Next they serve rolls and butter, and before the next course arrives those who like butter on their shrimp and crab light the candle under their personal warmers to melt the sticks of butter they brought. And they don’t leave getting the crab out of the shell to chance, even though the cooks have pre-cracked the crab legs for you, Nancy is ready with her crab eating tools. Some metal nut crackers and a hard plastic crab pick. Joe also brought extra tiny forks to share with us to help with getting the crab to come out of its shell.
Before the salad makes it to the table your crab friend Jim (who you see once a year at the crab feed) whips out his dad’s homemade bottled peppers and carrots. These things are hot. And no, I had to take the word of others. I do want to live another day to run.
The salad arrives family style and boy is it good. You don’t want to fill up on salad but it is so tempting. Once the salad course is finished then they bring out the meat & marinara pasta, also family style. Don’t be shy, they makes LOTS.
So now your tummy is feeling like you could be happy and quit, then they bring out the perfectly cooked shrimp and crab in big cold metal bowls and set them on the table. Crab is by far the most popular, and while it is ok, I prefer the shrimp. Since I am a fast eater, the crab really slows me down. lol. All that work. Of course if you think about it maybe you burn calories trying to get that tiny piece of crab out of the leg. But really, I still like the shrimp better. Of course both taste like butter before they go in my mouth.
Now my sister Nancy is there for the crab, although she dabbles in a couple of shrimp - she has crab eating down to a science or maybe even an art. When the bowl is piled high with crab and shrimp Nancy just takes from the top like everyone else, although I didn’t watch her carefully at this point. After she selects a leg she takes her metal nut crackers and breaks the shell of the largest part of the crab leg. She does it just right and then detaches the pincher and finishes getting the shell off and she has a larger piece of crab to eat then I did the whole evening. My sister is a pro crab eater!
Now as the amount of crab goes down in the bowl she begins to fish around in the big metal bowl, choosing the larger legs. Yes, larger legs mean more crab for all your hard work. And she just keeps a slow rhythm going. Don’t get a piece of crab out for her, she wants to earn her next piece of crab and do it herself. And here is the part that is funny to me, I have always eaten more than her. At every meal. She has always been petite. But at a crab feed, watch out, she goes and goes like the energizer bunny. She loves crab. I love her. I have the best sister in the whole world. I hope she still likes me after I’ve shared how she eats crab.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cool California Morning

Brought a variety of clothes for my run in Elk Grove, CA because I was’t sure what the weather would be like. Rain was predicted. Ended up wearing light weight pants and Human Race tech shirt for the crisp morning air. No heavy rain for the run, just a few sprinkles at the end, yeah!
I always wish for sun and warmth when I go to CA and AZ in the winter but I rarely get weather warm enough to brag about when I get back home. And this time on the way to California I got wAy more snow that I am used to in Utah, like I walked out to my car after staying the night in Lake Tahoe due to the freeway shutting down from accidents, to be hip deep in snow and wonder how the heck are we going to get the car out. We have an ice scraper. We had to dig to even open a door. The night before I thought how dumb of those that drove all the way back to Reno to spend the night....until I saw my van and wished I had too. lol.
This was a special run for me because I got to go with my oldest son Neal. I was happy he was willing to run at my pace and try the run / walk. He hasn’t run over 5 miles before at his pace - 9 to 9 1/2 minutes. While running at the slower pace we were able to have a nice 6 mile talk. Which was so nice, and especially cherished when he lives so far away and he doesn’t like to talk in the morning. lol. That was cartoon time, no time for talking!
So Neal set a PR for distance, 6 miles. In his mind I don’t know if he will count it because he didn’t technically “run” and it was s  l  o  w ......but 6 is 6. Next time I see him at the end of May, in Arizona this time, it will be the weekend after the marathon and he will be off the hook for running slow with mom. Unless, will I be running again by then?
Well, I remembered to put on my HR monitor Cyndie, and here is my proof that I did my e A S y training for rest week. I struggled a little with Garmin, thought I forgot to turn it on but I had so you get the picture. Then this is my first time using Gymboss on my own so I forgot how to turn it on, then I got into setup, well you probably get the picture on that as well. Finally all electronics working and I could run. lol. Did mess up and get off once, think I didn’t hear the beep (ipod in both ears, took one out) once, then I walked once when I heard a Garmin mile beep. But overall, nothing went dead, not even me.

Mile1 13:22 Mile2 13:04  Mile3 13:50 Mile4 13:50 Mile5 13:56 Mile6 14:06

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nutrition Myths by Nancy Clark

These Myths are from the Galloway book Women’s Complete Guide to Running. I made them a little more brief than Nancy. 
Myth: You must exercise in order to lose body fat
“To lose body fat, you must create a calorie deficit.” That is why I was able to loose my extra pounds with the Medifast diet with no exercise. 1000 calories a day. I was very happy with my results.
Myth: The more you exercise, the more fat you lose
I was disappointed to find this a myth. Nancy says, “Often, the more you exercise, the hungrier you get and the more you eat, or the more you believe you “deserve” to eat.” She has got me pegged. More hungry and more deserving! Yeah, I had to stop that because I couldn’t get away with it. Not even with 20 miles!
Myth: If you train for a marathon, your body fat will melt away
“Wishful thinking. I commonly hear marathoners... complain ‘For all the exercise I do, I should be pencil thin...’ They fail to lose fat because they put all their energy into exercising, but then tend to be quite sedentary the rest of the day.” Well, not me on the sedentary, but yeah I was hoping to get thinner. I think her last comment has me pegged. “Remember: calories mindlessly eaten standing up or on-the-run count just as much as calories from meals.” Now she tells me....
Myth: Couples who exercise together, lose fat together
Well us women have a harder time at this because when men TRY they LOSE. So at my house you know who’s giving this their ALL. Enough said.
Nancy’s bottom line: “If you are exercising to lose weight, I encourage you to separate exercise and weight.” Do not do exercise for weight loss - this is like a punishment. “When exercise is something you do to your body, rather that do for your body, you’ll eventually quit exercising. Bad idea.”
Well, I just thought this was a cool chapter.

Staying Injury Free

Well, this is what it is coming down to for me with the increased miles. Actually it has been like this all along but I have been using Stacey at Muscle Works to deep tissue massage my muscles into compliance. But as much as I want to just RUN on my weekday runs, I am beginning to feel like I should also do the run / walk method on these days. Age? Probably. Because I did choose a longer 25 week program to 26.2.
I am starting to see things I thought could only happen to “real runners” such as toenail problems. I don’t want to list my aches and pains. They are happening, I am concerned, but I am trying to stay on top of it all. Hence the yoga, the extra massage therapist, using the stem trainer (I can talk about that gizmo Jan bought a few years ago at a different time, right now I am in the testing stage - now you are curious and will want to read my blog later), switching to the Galloway run / walk, going to the roller clinic to name just a few things.
Jeff’s guide:
Run at a gentle pace-and insert walk breaks from the beginning
Rest sufficiently after each workout 
Increase gradually, and reduce intensity of the longer run
Take 48 hours between runs
Avoid a long stride
Ok now I need to take note. Here is something I was looking for but didn’t know it. And why I check out all these books and catalog what I read for my use and your benefit too if you choose. 
“Do the “toe squincher” exercise to prevent plantar fasciia: This exercise can be done 10-30 times a day, on both feet (one at a time). Point toes and contract the muscles in the foot, until the foot cramps (only a few seconds). This strengthens the many little muscles in the foot that can provide a platform of support.”
I add S T R E T C H sufficiently also. Jeff doesn’t believe in stretching. But I don’t do mine out on the road. I do them at home and as instructed for the specific problems I am having.
So I’m going to keep doing my best to stay InJuRy FrEE!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Blood Sugar = Motivation

I think this is my real food issue with running a marathon, and it is not necessarily about food I eat right before like I thought, even though that is of major importance. Later I want to ramble on more about what I should eat before I exercise. I don’t like to be hungry (that is very mental with me). And my body doesn’t like it either, my tummy growls. I can get a headache or be shakily and definitely my outlook on the whole situation is grumpy. So in my quest for info this insight comes from Galloway’s Women’s Complete Guide to Running. Blood Sugar Level (BSL) needs to be at a moderate level to feel stable, energized and motivated. These three things are the very key to me. “Just as eating throughout the day maintains metabolism, the steady infusion of balanced nutrients all day long will maintain stable blood sugar.” 
It good for me to understand this critical part of running long. BSL. That is one of my jobs during the race. I needed to understand that I am doing more that keeping my tummy from growling. I am keeping my BSL stable. Along with also hydrating. I need to remember that I need to remember I have a monitoring job while running. And this is one job I can’t do later, there is a fine line that I don’t want to cross. There is a lot of stress on the body for a run like this.
I have been practicing determining how soon I need to start fueling. Right now Cyndie and I have been fueling every half hour. So far, so good. Mostly I have been using products like Clif Shot Bloks and GU. And drinking water with Prolytes in it. I have learned to sip water (so it doesn’t slosh around in my tummy), during the week I mostly just drink the whole bottle down.
Galloway does discuss that the BSL is good for everyday too, no missing runs because of lack of motivation to go. I do not want to put myself on the BSL roller coaster. This is hard on the body and can cause over-eating and dreaded FAT. Snacks with too many calories of simple carbohydrates don’t work. Eating every 2-3 hours is best, eat to maintain an even BSL all day long.

So anyway, bottom line, BSL is critical to finishing the marathon. Now I know the why of this critical part of the run - I won’t let my body down.

On the road

26.2 Grandma takes her runnin’ on the road. The doggies are home with Jack so my third run for the week will be alone. This week I let Chip have a turn to run with me so he racked up 8 miles total for the week. Not much compared to Tink’s 20 miles last week, but I think he was more than happy with the miles he got.
One thing about Chip, he has a build in GPS in his head that knows home. I remember when he was young I would take him for walks and no matter where I walked and tried to mix him up, he always turned into our driveway when I was pretending we were just walking by. No fooling him. His internal sense of direction works the same now and has improved. He knows all opportunities on the paths that will take us back home. For one thing, he doesn’t much like the wind. It moves things and they look scary. And when you get to the good part (that I like) where it is pushing us along it blows his butt hair and tail up and he hates that. This week the wind has been at our back on the way out. So when we are headed toward home Chip likes to pull. Well, yesterday this was quite nice because it seemed like we were hardly moving at times the wind was so strong. But when we come to the turn home Chip goes to make the turn and we haven’t finished our mileage and so I pull him by and then he wants to lag. He is funny.
When its windy I like to not go out on the back part of the Jordan River Parkway where it is windier. So he gave up, but then when we came to the park where there is another opportunity for home he starts making the turn. What a cute boy he is. Maybe I need to get him an ipod so he can just relax and have fun. I think he likes to walk better. More time to sniff.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Side Effects

Possible side effects from Marathon training:

exercise habit
new friends

running habit
better eating habits
positive thinking

runner's high
good looking legs
1/2 marathon shape
great therapy
feeling of accomplishment
change in body shape
better run times in sprint triathlons

happy dogs

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It takes a good team to get a grandma to the finish line.

My team is finally all assembled. We are going to get me to the finish line of the Ogden Marathon May 21st, 2011!  And, hopefully they will stay with me for many runs & rides in the years to come.

#1 Daily Support: Jan Monson - big job but he's great at it
#2 Running Friend: Cyndie Nell - she runs with me ♥
#3 Massage Therapist: Stacey McClone - deep tissue & performance enhancement
#4 Massage Therapist: Jen Pruetz - relaxing & instructive
#5 Marathon Maniac: Liz Gotter - running Ogden with her
#6 Yoga Mentor: Jerrie Gathe
#7 Cheerleaders: Family & Friends - you know who you are!
#8 Mid-week Run Buddies - Tinkerbell & Chip
#9 Triathlon Coach: Dave Pruetz - running lesson
#10 Chiropractor: Theron Hall - keeps me aligned
#11 Nails: Leticia Dunn - fingernails & toes
#12 Hair: Helen Keiser
#13 Nutritional Support: Debbie Perry classes & books
I may be adding a podiatrist according to my nail lady, just the hazards of being a runner.
Products on my team ☺ Myomed, Prolytes, Clif Shot Bloks, GU, Everlast Innergy "Energy Plus" disks, and an anti-chafe product called Sports Shield. Plus various electronic gizmos.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I would like to challenge you girlfriend

to a fun 5K - Alicia, Kristen, Adrienne, Karlie, Nancy, Barbara, Christa, Carin, Jeanmarie, Sue, Robyn, Lorelei, Valerie, Retta, Macy, Maddie, Mayre Ann, Marie, Jerrie, Leticia, Franny, Violet, Emma, Aspen, Cami, Genni, Lesia, Sharon, Gale Ann, Mikele, Rebecca, Lori, Cindy, Shanna, Cynthia, Aimee, Amanda, Michelle, Karen, Tawny, Tori, Paula, Lisa, Peggy, Annette, Clarissa, Ellen, Christine, Clare, Sherrie, Pam, Julie, Susan, Ginger, Whitney, Heather & Janean. Run or walk you choose. Just let's all get out and get moving! And if we have the chance to enter a race together, all the more fun.

"The woman who starts the race is not the same woman who finishes the race."

Wow Week Twelve - 99 more days

Today when I set out on my training run it was 59 degrees. Warm. Not sure how fast the wind was, but I was fighting that a little bit. So clothing today was my thin exercise pants and a short sleeve tech shirt. No ear covers necessary today, the hot pink earbuds kept the wind out of my ears.
Well, Tink was pretty sad when Chip and I left for our run. She did 20 miles last week so I felt that Chip should get a little exercise and have his turn. Although he won't get in 20, he will get 4 more in tomorrow. My easy 6 on Saturday will be in Elk Grove and the dogs are going to stay home with Jack Markman.
This being my recovery week, I decided on a 4 mile run to make the 50 minutes. For some reason today my stomach wasn't feeling too great. I think I messed up on food. Didn't get my  grocery shopping done in a timely manner. But you know my mantra on that, but it doesn't matter if the tummy isn't feeling good, the run must go on. I kept my pace slow, I wanted to just run and not do my run/walk.
Chip did real good today, a little spooked when things blew in the wind, but we had a nice run together. Mile1 12:35  Mile2 12:47  Mile3 13:41  Mile4 12:56. A .37 mile walk home to cool off.

Marathon Morning Meal

Keep it simple-stupid for this last meal.
Goal is: to fill the stomach up without taking any risks at all for the race!
Well I have been doing this very successfully. At least for the running I have been doing so far. Only problem is, well I didn't really understand how my body was using the 2 poached eggs and piece of wheat toast I am eating. Well, actually it isn't using them to fuel my run like I thought. Here is a quote from Galloway's Marathon FAQ, "It takes about 36-48 hours for the food you eat to be digested, metabolized and ready to be used in the muscles during exercise."
So what is my fuel for the run, something I've forgotten I've even eaten! What if it was that heart shaped donut with glaze and sprinkles! Aaaahhhhh! So I get that what I am really doing the morning of the race/run is making sure that I am not getting hunger pains during the run. Also, with my chosen foods I could be doing myself a little disservice. Here are some quotes from Women's Complete Guide To Running (Jeff & Barbara Galloway)
"Big meals slow you down. Big meals are a production of the digestive system. Blood is diverted to the long and winding intestine and the stomach. Because of the workload, the body tends to reduce blood flow to the other areas, leaving you feeling more lethargic and sedentary." And all this time I thought it was turkey enzyme!
So the next quote is even cooler, "Small meals speed you up. Smaller amounts of food can usually be processed quickly without putting a burden on the digestive track. Each time you eat a small meal or snack you metabolism revs up. A metabolism increase several times a day means calories burned - and sustained energy for the next hour or two."
I'm not saying I haven't been taught this before, but I just thought look how I am giving my body two nice poached eggs and slice of wheat toast to fuel it for my run. lol. Funny me.
Well I think I will move on to a corresponding topic in my next post. This one is getting long.

Two tips from FAQ book:
Don't eat large meal after 5pm the day before.
Eat smaller meals or snacks every 2-3 hours starting about noon the day before.

BTW: About the Galloway books. I recommend that you check them out at the library as I did. I have four right now that I am reading/browsing. His books get some negative ratings from some readers as to their value because they either don't have much info for your dollar (FAQ) or they are a repeat and like another book he's written (Women's CGTR). So save money, glean the good from them by exercising your library card.

Cyndie & Marsha

Tinkernell, Tinkerbell & Marsha
at the end of our 12 mile run!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Long Run - 12 miles

Two happy girls after our 12 mile run. Cyndie took this nice picture of us. This was a beautiful morning to run. It was pretty cold when we started out at 8am but it did warm up and we were able to drop our jackets at the car part way through the run. I had a great time running with Cyndie, her legs were pretty sore from yoga the day before. My calves got a nice massage at my pedicure this afternoon. My legs are pretty sore tonight, hopefully they will enjoy their recovery day tomorrow. Both Tink and I had a 20 mile week. 
I wanted to make sure that Tinkerbell was hydrated, and well it's very hard to MAKE dogs drink. So I got out the K9 Go Dog - Total Sports Drink for Dogs. Well she loved it, and so did the other dogs, they all started drinking, and drinking - well I finally picked up the bowl. I had forgotten just how much dogs like it. But it sure made her have to pee. She usually doesn't have to go at all when we run because I potty her first at home. Which I did today. And then poop, luckily I brought a poop bag, I think she had to go four times! Don't tell her I posted this about her, I know it could be embarrassing.
Stats for the run: M1 12:22  M2 13:03  M3 12:08  M4 13:09  M5 13:32  M6 12:34  M7 13:07   M8 12:43  M9 13:07  M10 13:17  M11 13:17  M12 13:17   

Ready Or Not Long Run Here I Come

I'm so excited that I woke up early. 5am. I'm not running until 8am. Last night I laid everything out to so I could easily get ready this morning and not forget anything. I did this from my list. Hopefully I didn't forget to put something on my list. lol. Be relaxed. That is how I want my morning to go. Look I even have time to blog!
I got the idea of setting my stuff up on the towel from the triathlons. And this isn't all the stuff, you can't see the fuel (food & water) belt, the clothes & shoes. I also set up my breakfast, water and vitamins in kitchen.
6am now, time to go eat. Looks like I also have plenty of time to stretch and read. Drum did it go.....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is that how the primary song goes?

♫ ♪ Friday is a special day. It's the day we get ready for run-day: We dust off our shoes and get GU at the store, So we get our long run in before Monday. We check songs on the ipod, and we charge up the GPS, We call it our get-ready-to-run day. Then we clean our shades, And throw Glide in our bag, So we can do our best on run-day. ♫ ♪

Well I do have my list for today. High on it today are some new "♥ Happy Valentine's ♥" shoes for Jan, some new  Yankz shoelaces for me, and the runs are getting long (12 miles tomorrow) so it is time to buy some BodyGlide. If you care to join me I will be running with Cyndie at 8am starting at the Winchester Park (6600 South). The Utah Marathon Maniacs are also meeting their to run. Run long!  

Brain Respiration - Versatilizing

I am still reading that amazing yoga book right now, Human Technology A Toolkit For Authentic Living by Ilchi Lee. I am now on the chapters about Brain Respiration (BR). Why do I want to talk about this? Because I gaining a better understanding of why my newest “self” project is the marathon. Oh yes, I recognize what I do. I've never picked a challenge quite so physically demanding though. And at my age! Getting ready for a marathon, when done right, is filled with lots of changes. And I am uncomfortable with change. Sounds funny, but I am. With this marathon I recognize some changes will be easy, some harder. But it is a change I have asked for and that  is under my control and hopefully I will learn and grow from. I’m looking for something from myself. I get that. I hope I find it this time so I don't do this to me again. lol. It could happen.
Quoting from the book: So what is BR?  "It consists of a variety of physical, emotional, and mental exercises, progressing through five stages: Sensitizing, Versatilizing, Refreshing, Integrating, and Mastering." One comment on the Versatilizing stage is what I want to touch on.
"Our preconceptions prevent us from being flexible in thought."
My preconception in this case is that I have always felt I couldn't run distance. As I talked about it when I started my blog last year, I didn't pass the presidents physical fitness 1 mile run in grade school. Passed all other requirements. So now at 55 I am going to prove to myself I can run. Makes sense doesn't it. Actually, I already have by now, but since I am already signed up for the race I'll finish what I have started.
So more about the BR:
"Brain refreshing can be divided into two parts. In the first, we free our minds of negative preconceptions and unwanted memories. Second we fortify ourselves against the influence of destructive information."
"When we allow a preconception to rule our behavior, we are actually allowing our past to control our present and future."
"The past exists in the present only as a piece of information.  When we realize that the past is only information, we will have taken our first step towards freeing ourselves from it."

I will be doing the specific Human Technology exercises to help me with this, like most people I have more than one preconception hanging around in my brain.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Run in the Dark

If you can believe it my new ipod wouldn't charge so I had to go to the Apple retail store today to get a new one since it was under warranty. Had to make an appointment to see someone. But by doing that I got in and out quick, the store was packed - I was shocked. I'd never been there before.

Well it finally happened. Too much to do after work on a run day and when I got home I still had running on the list. But I did have choices, dress in shorts and tank top and head to the gym and the treadmill or winter running clothes and hit the trail. I opted for the trail. It was just getting dark, and during most of my run it was dark but easy to see the path, snow on both sides and black down the middle. Tink enjoyed the run too. She loved the faster pace.
Today I drank some water and had a Clif Shot "Apple Pie" before the run. Yeah, I think I will stick with real apple pie, lots of cinnamon and well, I could eat it but there are better flavors. Save my love of apple pie for the real thing.
Ran one of my fastest 4 miles, it could be a PR.
Mile1 11:25  Mile2 11:51  Mile3 11:12  Mile4 11:18

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back in Utah and Ready to Run

Arrived back home just before the snow storm Monday. A little rain as we unloaded the car. It was a very quick trip but I really appreciate Christa for taking me to Arizona with her. 

Yesterday, Tuesday, was my usual mid-week run. With the time frame on the training schedule I determined that it would be a 4 mile day. Well it was nice and sunny and a crisp 33 degrees. Just right for a nice run. There was some wind but not too bad. Tink and I set out on the Jordan River Parkway, one of my favorite places to run. Before the run I ate a GU and drank some water. I decided to just run the whole time, that went well. Lots of geese, a few other runners, mostly snow free trails - just a little ice here and there.

Here are the GPS stats for Run1 of Week 11: Mile1 12:39  Mile2 12:23  Mile3 12:38  Mile4 12:32. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Headed Home

Heading home to Utah. Spending the night in Flagstaff, Arizona. Learned some great things this weekend that I will be using in my running schedule these next months. This week was a 11 mile week. Next week will be my long run week. See you there.

Dahn Yoga

Dahn Yoga is a practice learned through experience, rather than acquisition of knowledge. However, there are some key concepts that will help practitioners understand how Dahn Yoga differs from other exercise programs.

Three Studies of Mind-Body Development: Study of Principles, Study of Practice, and Study of Living

  1. Principles The principles of energy transform a basic stretch into a yoga posture. Three main exercise principles are:
    Shim Ki Hyul Jung: From mind to matter.

    Energy follows your mind, moves your blood, and makes creation in reality. The basic application of the principle in regular class could be: bring your mind to the moment while practicing to actualize changes in your body.

    Seu Sung Hwa Gang: Water Up, Fire Down

    Water energy goes up to keep the head cool and chest comfortable. Fire Energy goes down to keep the lower body warm and healthy.

    Jung Choong Ki Jang Shin Myung: From Health to Happiness to Peace.

    Through stabilizing your physical health, you will purify emotional energy, leaving a clear mind that will light up spiritual energy.

  2. Practice The principles aren't learned through intellectual knowledge, but through the body. If a person practices with honesty and diligence, then they will experience the benefits in body, mind, and spirit.
  3. Living If the principles of yoga are practiced only in the center, a person will never master them. Practice naturally spills over into everyday life.

Feeling Ki Energy What is Ki energy? The Ki energy system, comprised of meridians and chakras, is inherent in the wisdom of many older cultures. It has been practically unknown to most in the modern day, especially in the West. Your instructor will refer to it as Ki, or just 'energy'.

Ki is not something you can see, or touch, or even prove that it exists. However, you will be able to feel it with practice.

Ki serves as a bridge between body and mind, and will help you feel how your mind's condition affects your physical health. By awakening the Ki energy in your body, you will become more aware of how keep yourself healthy, and how to communicate with your inner self and how to better relate to others.

Brain Management, using the Brain Operation System (BOS) "Our brain is designed to realize what we wish, without any minor errors. If you want success, it will create success. If you want happiness or health, it will create them. Anything is possible, as long as negative thoughts and emotions don't interfere." Ilchi Lee, Brain Wave Vibration

Brain Management is a term coined by Ilchi Lee to express the art of managing your brain, which includes managing every thought, emotion, and movement, to create what you want in your life.

Ilchi Lee created BOS - the Brain Operating System - to express how to manage your brain well. It is comprised of 3 elements:
  1. If you choose it, you can create it. If you decide to create something with unshakeable determination, you will be able to make it come true.
  2. Good news makes a good brain. Think positively on the path towards realizing your creation, turning obstacles into opportunities.
  3. Pay attention! Stay in the moment and pay attention, and your brain will become aware of what action you need to do for achieving your goal.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dahn Yoga with Jerrie

Today I was able to visit with another family member who moved to Arizona years ago, Jerrie Gathe. She is my second reason for making the trip. I was able to reconnect with Jerrie back in December when Jan and I were here for Christmas with Alicia and family. Jerrie took the time to share with us a little bit about how she had healed herself through Dahn Yoga. This really interested me because of the peace I felt coming from her. I wanted some of that. But you know how Christmas is and there wasn't enough time to find out more, so I knew that I had to get back I just wasn't sure how or when.

On my quest to reconnect with my true self, because I think that is what is happening, there are people in my past who can help me get back to what matters most. And I find myself seeking them out. And as I present that as a need I am given the opportunities to make it happen. It is called the Law of Attraction and I really believe it works.

I am desperately trying to simplify my life but as I do I add more activities to it. I just can't quite figure this out yet and I know I am going to have to be patient with myself as I go through this process. I want to be able to relax and enjoy. Enjoy my family, friends, dogs and activities which are part of it.

Jerrie first looked at my aura and we spent a few minutes talking about what it showed. One of the things was that I am not using my energy wisely. I need to focus more on my core. But many, many good things were happening and I am headed in the right direction. I find it very very hard to relax. Almost impossible sometimes. Most of the time I try to do two things at once if possible. Multi-tasking. I am good at it. But is that a good thing? I'm not sure.

Jerrie showed Alicia, Melanie (Alicia's sister in law also visiting from Utah) and I many stretches that will specifically help me loosen my muscles for running. I am a lot tighter all over my body than I initially thought I was. I think that I have been that way so long that I am use to it. It feels normal to me. I really want to change that.

We went through lots of relaxation techniques and I felt so good and relaxed afterwards. What a nice afternoon. I know I am on the right path. Jerrie gave me a book Human Technology A Toolkit For Authentic Living and I am anxious to read it. Lots of homework ahead for me.

"If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most." President Uchtdorf