Training Plan

Saturday, October 15, 2011

8 Mile Day

Awesome weather today. Woke up early to about 38 degrees, some wind. Time to run. I've been a slacker and haven't run since Saturday. Long pants, my pink 32 degree shirt and off I went for a run in the dark. The moon was nearly full, so that made for quite a bit of light. I took along one of my Knuckle Lights to make sure I could be seen by drivers and spot any holes in the road.
Distance: 4:06 miles
Time: 55:40 all 13+ minute miles

Afternoon, nice and sunny and warm. Work done. Time for a hike with the dogs. The hike leader I have been going with, Julie Kilgore, was going to hike straight up Cherry Creek again so I had emailed Valeta to see if she wanted to do an actual casual walk hike on the off leash test area in Draper. Yes was her answer. So that is what we did.
Here is how we knew we were at the end of the off-leash area. 
One happy hiker. Big smile.
A trailhead we passed on our hike.
When hiking we went through the area where the fire was this year. There were places where the vegetation was already coming back. Our hike: Started out on Upper Corner Canyon Road, to Aqueduct Trail, to BST, to Orson Smith Trail to van.
Burned out section of the mountain.
Distance: 3.99 miles
Time: 1:47:02
Elevation gain: 637 feet

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