Training Plan

Sunday, October 30, 2011

SoJo Half Marathon

Another half marathon in the books. This is number eight for me. This moved me up a "moon" in my Half Fanatic status from Neptune (2. 3 Half Marathons within a 90 day time frame) to Uranus (3. 8 - 11 Half Marathons within 365 days)
This half started out different, I got a ride to the start line from my employer Mike Davey and his wife Kelli. Their GPS got the location wrong (an empty field) when given the address. Luckily with the help of a policeman we found it and Kelli and I were dropped off just a few minutes before the race started. Just long enough to start to get a bit cold. We didn't even have time to do a drop bag so we left them in the van. (Mike had to drive to the finish line quick- he was entered in the 5K.)
I met up with fellow sharks Cindi Glenn and Steve Avery before the race. There were 5 sharks in the half, several sharks and Cyndie Nell in the ranks of the awesome race staff. As you can see in the picture I had on my race belt with everything needed to enjoy the race - even my music and camera this week. 
On the downhill side.
I left my Gymboss on the 3:1 split that I did Thursday. Ready Set Go! First mile, looking good, feeling a little tight finish it in 11:07.3. On to the second mile, still running in the Daybreak community took me 11:39.9. On my way now, getting warmed up by my third mile 11:16.5. This is when I started to think, why don't I try for a PR. I feel good. My legs are working good. There are hills but I have trained for them. I was a alone with just my ipod for some company, lets see if I can do my best race.
I rocked this hill climb up to the
Oquirrh Mountain Temple.
At mile 4 there is a line for the restroom, I decide to go on. I know this may slow me down if I wait too long but I hope not too much. Next miles: M4 11:21.7  M5 11:08.7  M6 10:32.8 M7 11:58.5 M8 11:25.7. Finally the restroom about 8.5 miles, not a 8 miles as promised, still a line but I only loose about 4 minutes. Back to running.

Some elk along the run.
As you can see, after a lighter bladder I was able to pick up my speed back up a little. I was not impressed with the placement of the restrooms in this race. Start, mile 4 & 8 and finish. It is just a long time between.  M9 12:57.7  M10 10.47.2  M11 11.10.4  M12 11.31.0  M13 11:16.4  
No luck finding my time.
So this race was a PR for me 2:30:27. Whooo hooo!
Finish line.
The race timers had to use my Garmin for the time, they lost my time - bad timing chip she said. I was very disappointed about that. But I ran a great race, pacing myself with the 3:1 on my Gymboss. I wouldn't want to push like this every time, but once in awhile is a good thing.
Kelli Davey 1st Place age group at the
SoJo Half Marathon. Way to go Kelli!

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