Training Plan

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day at Lagoon

What do you like to do after a half marathon? My first choice would not be a long day at Lagoon but that was what was planned for my day. Jan was invited to join his former employer Chevron at the annual summer party. So when I got home from the half marathon I got in the shower, got cleaned up and soon was ready for a day at Lagoon.
Karlie and Jonathan.
We arrived at the park about 11:30am, parked and walked over to the pavilion that Chevron had reserved. Lunch was being served at noon so we decided to wait for that. This gave Jan a chance to visit with his former work friends. I took the opportunity to sit. I decided to wear my Garmin to track my walking (I forgot sometimes) but mostly to see what it did on rides. I should have pushed a lap button for the rides but didn't think of that until after the fact. 
Playing Bingo.
I wore my race shirt and finisher medal. It was funny when we came in the gate this girl noticed my shirt and commented, I looked at her and she was wearing one too! I must not be too crazy if I'm not the only one.
Jan my man, a mean Bingo player.
Soon Lagoon was serving lunch. I was hungry. Chicken, potato & pasta salad, cookies and lemonade. Jan was not as kind to his body. Hamburger on bun, hotdog on bun, chicken & pasta salad, and cookies. I guess back on the healthy diet tomorrow. My goal for next year at the Chevron picnic: "Jan, is that you? You look great!"
After lunch was Bingo time. We got to choose our cards, I set myself up with two. We made it through one game before the PA system broke. After getting tired of waiting for them to fix it, I went out to ride a couple of rides. Jan stayed to finish Bingo.
Me on the Bombora.
I decided to go looking for the new ride for 2011 - Bombora. It ended up being a family friendly roller coaster. I decided to try it out and see if it was possible Jan could ride it without getting motion sick. I thought it was great. Fun but not extreme. I was lucky and got to ride in the front. Loved the smooth ride and the music.
Me on The Bat.
Next I went on the Bat. It wasn't as fun as I remember from the last time we came. It was very rough on my head. It threw it back and forth and I didn't like that. I even tried holding my head back against the seat but that didn't work. This picture was a before smile, this ride even upset my stomach a bit. I was surprised and decided it might be because I was tired.
Jan & Marsha hanging on the Sky Ride.
After this I met up again with Jan, Karlie and Jonathan. We went to the Sky Ride. It was overcast and I like this ride. Relax, look around, take pictures, kissing. Lots of fun.
We spent a lot of time in Pioneer Village. I have never before actually looked at all the shops. Had an Italian Ice at the ice cream store. Then off to Bombora to get Jan on a roller coaster.
Jan, Marsha & Jonathan on the Bombora.
Jan enjoyed it! 50 seconds of fun! After the (3) tight turns Jan said he was seeing double. But before he had time to get motion sick the ride was over! Success. This made my day. It was just great to see him experience a little of the thrill I get on a roller coaster. Although, I am not a huge coaster fan, I like ones that aren't too thrilling on my stomach. My favorite, California Screamin'.
What a fun day at Lagoon.
Walking stats for Lagoon:
2.23 miles
fastest pace 1:08 minute mile (helps to be on a roller coaster)

PR - Timpananogos Half Marathon

What a fun race. Proper preparation played a big part in this - not only the running but in setting everything out to get dressed for racing the day before. And I did set it up during the DAY, not evening like I normally do. That made it so I could go to bed early. Got a good nights sleep. Bed: 8:45pm Alarm: 3:00am  Six hours of sleep. When the alarm went off I felt pretty rested.
Ready to run. Let's get this party started!
Race morning went smoothly. Dressed, breakfast made it out the door early to meet Cyndie in the Peterson's parking lot. She was already there, I appreciate her so much, she is always on time. More prior planning, I mentioned to Cyndie that I was interested in setting a PR so she set her virtual partner for a 12:12 minute mile so that I could get a PR. Great friend.
The buses left right on time, we got a nice cushy bus with nicely padded seats, much different than the school bus ride. We got the front seat. Had a nice friendly bus driver.
Braydon, Cyndie & Marsha.
It is always fun to see friends at races, today we happened to find Braydon. He is from Washington, Utah. We met him at my first half marathon, the Dogtown Half. He also ran Thanksgiving Point. He was running slower today because of injuries.
We had to wait until 6:00am for the race to start, not sure why we didn't start on time at 5:40am. It was warmer at the start line than I thought it would be, I had a light jacket and blanket.
Beautiful canyon to run.
It started to get light and we were off running down the road. Yes, downhill. If you keep your stride the same as on the flat you shouldn't have too much "downhill" muscle pain at the end of the race. Cyndie and I decided that to give us a little help finishing "in my PR time" we would set the Gymboss for 2:30 run 1:00 walk. 
Running faster definitely kept Cyndie and I a little winded. Having the downhill course really helped us to keep up the pace. I am surprised the difference what just an extra minute can make on the overall time and also in how you feel while running. It was so nice to run by a beautiful stream. To hear the water. Sometimes it was on our left, sometimes our right.
I had to go to the restroom about mile 5. It was in the plan, but I still hate stopping during a race. Especially when there is a line. It is just not fun for me to be uncomfortable while running. It took me quite a while to catch Cyndie, running longer (2:30) she got further ahead than she normally does. I finally did catch her.
Walk break during the race.
After we exited out of the canyon we ran on the paved trails of Cedar Hills. This part of the race still had a lot of downhill, with a few minor hills to challenge us along the way. Some of the course still ran along by a small stream or maybe it was irrigation ditch made to look like a stream. :-)
It was in this area that added a runner to our "Galloway group," Whitney, who is a pre-med student at the U, a former Copper Hills "Grizzly" running her first half marathon. She ran with us for a short time. During this time we picked up yet another runner, our second Whitney, who was also running her first half marathon. We gave the newbies a little run/walk advice along with some thoughts on why we GU.
Cyndie having fun on the run.
The course finally took us to the streets of Cedar Hills and then into American Fork as we headed to the finish line at the American Fork High School. On one leg we ran past the Mt. Timpanogos Temple, this is where Jan and I were married. I love that temple.
I kept having Cyndie check how close we were running to virtual partner. At about a mile out I decided to run most of the way in, with two or three short walk breaks to make sure I made this half a PR. Cyndie was close behind, so as I came in by the time I turned around and found a place to take a picture she had already run in. Darn, when I got the picture of Braydon I finally realized I'd missed her. Another great half marathon finished!

Finishing Times:
Marsha  AG 10th Overall 624 (720 female finishers)  2:36:48.1
Me in my new blue running outfit. Look at the Big Bling.
Cyndie  AG 68th  Overall 627  2:37:29.2
Be inspired by Timpanogos Half Marathon
finisher Cyndie Nell.
Braydon  AG  84th Overall 445 (460 male finishers) 2:43:50.8
Braydon's kids joining him in crossing the finish line.
Whitney Ludlow  AG  31st Overall 680 2:53:59.3 (pre-med student)

Garmin Stats:

Avg Pace

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ride Snail Pace

This morning Jan and I went on a short bike ride before I had to leave for work. We found out later, after Jan's leg got more bruising and it hurt some that he wasn't suppose to bike ride. Well the discharge instructions clearly said no lifting over 10 pounds, no bending but exercise as tolerated. I guess they didn't know he was going to bike ride. Oh well, guess we will learn more next week at his follow up appointment. Hopefully he can bike by Camp W in Lake Tahoe.
Stats: 6.57 miles  Time 48:39

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rained Out FHE Bike Ride

In this picture you can't see how wet the front
of my pants are.
Since a had my voice master class this evening at 5pm, then dinner, Jan and I decided quite late to go on a bike ride together. We hadn't been all summer because of Jan's heart, so everything was put away and it took quite a while to get ready. Bikes hanging from the garage ceiling had to come down. Tires inflated. The dog trailer was kind of buried behind stuff. The trailer tires were way low too.
Finally all was ready and we let the dogs out of the house and got them to jump in the trailer together. We zipped the door closed and we were off. I was pulling the dogs, which could be a combined weight of around 60 lbs. Plus, I pull the cart with my heavy comfort bike. It makes for a good workout.
Only a few sprinkles when we got started at 8pm, they increased quickly as the storm was blowing in from the west. At only a mile and a half out we turned around and headed back for home. I was surprised at the amount of families on the parkway, riding, walking, some runners too. All of us got caught in the storm because it blew in so fast. 
Stats: 3.69 miles, 27:08

Pioneer Day Bike Ride

My favorite of Jan's Days of 47 parade pictures.
What a beautiful morning for a bike ride, 66 degrees and overcast. As Jan headed downtown Salt Lake for the Days of 47 Parade, I took to the relatively traffic free streets thanks to the pioneer holiday. No particular destination in mind, just a loop of some sort.
I first headed north on the Jordan River Parkway to South Jordan, then turned east and headed up 11400 South to Draper. Once in Draper I went southeast and headed towards Draper Park to ride on the Draper Canal Trail and the Porter Rockwell Trail. I was trying to get a better feel for where they intersected each other. After riding a ways on each I looped up and took the Porter Rockwell Trail all the way to the point of the mountain. The trail ends there, at the cement plant, and if you want to go into Lehi then riding the frontage road is the only option.
I took the frontage rode down. I was glad there was no traffic at the moment. The wind was quiet strong and since it was a sidewind? (I'm not sure if that is the right term) it was like it might push me over. I took the frontage road until I could head west towards Bluffdale. Soon on the other side of the freeway I took the Pony Express road then wound my way trying to find a road to connect with the Jordan River Parkway, but the one I took didn't go down far enough. Instead of backtracking to the one I passed that I knew connected I headed towards IKEA, cruised around there a bit and then headed for home.
Jan got a picture of President Monson,
not easy with the car and all the bodyguards.
Stats for the ride:

Distance:25.23 mi
Elevation Gain:688 ft
Calories:497 C
Moving Time:02:02:43
Elapsed Time:02:10:18
Avg Speed:11.6 mph
Avg Moving Speed:12.3 mph
Max Speed:26.5 mph
Elevation Gain:688 ft
Elevation Loss:675 ft
Min Elevation:4,285 ft
Max Elevation:4,727 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR:118 bpm
Max HR:151 bpm
% of Max

Sunday, July 24, 2011

RunningFree Report Pioneer Week

Fantastic marathongrandma!
Here's your report from last week on runningfreeonline.

Last week you completed:
Run11.3 mi0:32:15
Bike19.4 mi0:44:32
Walk14.6 mi1:38:51

Total315.3 mi2:55:38

According to Arthur Lydiard:
If you are not enjoying training, stop all anaerobic training. Go out for a long jog, so slow that the old ladies with shopping baskets go past you. Do that until you start to enjoy it!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

First Encampment Hike

To celebrate Jan's pioneer heritage he wanted to go on a special hike called the "First Encampment Hike." The description is as follows:
During this family-oriented event, you can walk in the footsteps of the 1847 pioneers in a festive and commemorative hike that follows Emigration Creek through beautiful Salt Lake City neighborhoods. Points of interest will be pointed out along the way and protective weaponry used and foods prepared during the era will be demonstrated.
The beginning of our hike from Donner Park.
The hike began about 7am starting at Donner Park (2770 East 990 South) and ended at the First Encampment Park (1700 South 500 East), near the site where the pioneers camped in the Salt Lake Valley on July 22, 1847. 
To add to the festivities, Jan and I each wore the name of one of his pioneer ancestors. Jan was Christian Hans Monson and I was Eliza Ann Haven Westover.

Christian Hans Monson was born in Norway. He was a cabinet maker by trade but worked in the evenings as a guard in the jail. In Norway, proselyting was illegal back in those days unless you were preaching the state religion. Two Mormon missionaries had been arrested for preaching. While in jail they taught Christian the gospel at night. One night he let them out of the jail so they could baptize him, then back to the jail cell they went.

The license plate frame around the name
says "I'd rather be pulling a handcart."
Christian was disowned by his family for joining the church and came to America to join the saints. He was one of the pioneers who crossed the plains with a handcart, one which he built himself. After arriving, because of his wood working skills he was asked to help with the wood work in four temples, Salt Lake, Manti, Logan and St. George.

Eliza Ann Haven was a young girl of 15 who lived with her family in Nauvoo when the Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred. She was in attendance at the meeting where the mantel of the deceased Prophet Joseph Smith came over Brigham Young where he looked and sounded like Joseph. She later recorded this experience in a letter which the family donated to the church archives to preserve.

Posing by the exit of a bridge we came
across on the Westminster College Campus.
While crossing the plains in a handcart company Eliza met Charles Westover and fell in love. They were the first couple married after they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.

Demonstrating the rifle, now we know where the sayings
 "lock, stock and barrel", "ramrodding" a project
 and going off "half-cocked" come from.
Just like the pioneers must have done, we took 2 restroom breaks and ate Popsicles. Well, Jan and I on our new eating lifestyle ate some running energy products I'd brought and had some water. We saw a demonstration of a Mormon Battalion rifle while we rested at our first stop.
Marsha at First Encampment Park
Back on the nice shady roads as we headed down the hill toward the First Encampment Park. It was a fun time walking with Jan and hearing him tell pioneer stories as people walking asked him about the picture on his back. I am so proud of him, it was his idea to go on this pioneer hike, just 4 days since 2 stints were put in the one artery to the heart. We are truly blessed.

Don't worry, Jan is faking pulling this handcart.
He still has a few more days of surgery restrictions.
At the end of the nice "meandering" hike was my van, ready for us to drive back to the start to get Jan's car. Except one minor detail, the key to the van was in the car. Geez. Was I thinking or what! I hitched a ride with a family going back for their other car. The perfect plan was rescued.
One of the engravings on a rock in the
First Encampment Park.
Stats: 4.6 miles, 1:38:51; Elevation loss 740 ft.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cyndie & Marsha Long Run

What better way to spend a Friday morning than doing a long run. With a great friend. At 5:30am. With nice temps of about 64 degrees and wind. It was still dark when we started our run.
The route I choose gave Cyndie and I a little hill work. I hope she liked it, I planned it just for her enjoyment.
Once it got light we circled back around to the cars and got rid of my hand lights. Off we went again. I think it turned out to be a nice long run. Even an extra half mile, what could be better than that? Timpanogos Half Marathon here we come.

Avg Pace