Training Plan

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stairs & Water Work

Here is the control box with the top blown off one valve.
No, I haven't given up on running and I'm not at the pool, and I desperately want to go biking this evening.....but our basement flooded this morning so I've been sloshing through wet carpet, going up and down the stairs, helping Jan move our things out of the 3 flooded rooms. This is a flashback to 2009 all over again. Different rooms.
The water pressure in Riverton is not regulated well and this is what can happen. I guess we will be buying the best pressure regulator money can buy and having Todd put it in. 
Sigh. It is a huge mess. This time it was most of our family room, all of Jan's music room and the guest room. I don't think anything is ruined except the carpet, too much soil came in so it can't be cleaned. I guess with dirt like that it makes the carpet wear out quicker.
Blessed as last time this happened, Jan was home. He had actually just fixed a sprinkler head in the front yard. Jan went downstairs and I think he was going to his music room when he heard and felt the squishy carpet. He opened the guest room door and the window well was full and the water was just pouring down the window sill. He ran out, shut off the water, and then got a bucket and started bailing out the window wells as fast as he could. Both the window in the guest room and the window in the family room, both on the south side of the house.
Jan called me about an hour into the bailing and said please come home we have an emergency. He was all done bailing water, and we spent a few hours moving things so they wouldn't get water damaged. We called our insurance, then we called Servicemaster for help. They suck out most of the water with this vacuum, then they take up the carpet in our case. Last time we were able to save the carpet. What an ordeal. It takes Jan months to set up the music room and get all the cords and equipment right. Needless to say he was very upset.
So, since I had to leave work and had things to do that were time sensitive, I went back to work about 2:30pm. Got off work at 5pm and then came home, we fixed a nice fish dinner together then I went back to work at 6:30 - 10pm.

1 comment:

Tink said...

That is so sad. I'm glad Jan was home.