Training Plan

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Focusing On The Positive

I'm back to today to the serious book, The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer. Lots to think about as I begin my training program which officially starts Monday. The authors talk about needing a positive attitude about life in general in order to maintain a positive attitude about training and running. Their suggestion, "begin using a particular phrase whenever you catch yourself saying or thinking something negative. The phrase is, '..but it doesn't matter.'"

When I think or say something like "my legs are sore" or "the weather is rotten" (I can hear these excuses loud and clear right now) I say or think "but it doesn't matter." Authors say, "It really DOESN"T matter unless you believe it does. You can, and will, run anyway. And you will be really glad you did when you are finished." And the key is to use the phrase for everything negative in daily life. Negative can happen quickly with me - this will be useful tool and a great life changer as I make this a new habit.

My sweetheart, Jan, is so good at this, actually he helped me yesterday when some holiday trim wouldn't stay where I put it. I am way ahead with a good example and great support.

In 25 weeks my training program will be over, and quoting the book again "but the skills you learn during that process can have lifelong consequences if you continue to apply them. One of the most important involves adopting the habit of seeing the positive instead of the negative."

Ready. Set. Positively Run.

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