Training Plan

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rained Out FHE Bike Ride

In this picture you can't see how wet the front
of my pants are.
Since a had my voice master class this evening at 5pm, then dinner, Jan and I decided quite late to go on a bike ride together. We hadn't been all summer because of Jan's heart, so everything was put away and it took quite a while to get ready. Bikes hanging from the garage ceiling had to come down. Tires inflated. The dog trailer was kind of buried behind stuff. The trailer tires were way low too.
Finally all was ready and we let the dogs out of the house and got them to jump in the trailer together. We zipped the door closed and we were off. I was pulling the dogs, which could be a combined weight of around 60 lbs. Plus, I pull the cart with my heavy comfort bike. It makes for a good workout.
Only a few sprinkles when we got started at 8pm, they increased quickly as the storm was blowing in from the west. At only a mile and a half out we turned around and headed back for home. I was surprised at the amount of families on the parkway, riding, walking, some runners too. All of us got caught in the storm because it blew in so fast. 
Stats: 3.69 miles, 27:08

1 comment:

Tink said...

All that work and you get rained out. :(