Training Plan

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day Before The Half Marathon

Alicia and Mt. Timpanogos.
Before race day Alicia and I did a little shopping. When I had her show me her running clothes and I saw they were all cotton I knew we had to get her some clothes with a more suitable material that would wick while we ran. She ended up with a cute white print top and some black capri. Sorry cotton clothes, you just weren't made for running.
After our shopping excursion I took her to Muscle Works for a nice performance enhancement for her legs. This is where they work the fast twitch muscles and give them some good memory for the work they will do the next day. Stacey did a great job on both of us.
Stacey and Alicia
After our fast twitch muscles were in tip top shape we headed to Thanksgiving Point to meet Cyndie and drive to Provo to pick up our bibs and goodie bag for the race. We were able to park for free at the Provo Marriott and went into the expo.

Me and Alicia at the UVHM expo.

We'd all brought our numbers and so we went right to the line to get our bib and bag. I wish shirt sizes were standard, it might really help get one that fits. Good thing they let us exchange on the spot for the correct size.
Happy runner.

Alicia in line for the bib and shirt.
At the expo Alicia chose some lime green tape and had her shins, which had been bothering her taped for free. The funny thing, when they were done shins didn't hurt and she could now feel how sore her calfs were. After exploring the expo Alicia, Cyndie and I drove back to Lehi and dropped off Cyndie. Since we were tired we decided to go out to eat. We ended up at Fazoli's where we had a pasta dish with chicken and bread sticks. Still water loading, that is what we had to drink.
Then it was home to put the finishing touches on our stuff. We cooked our eggs for breakfast and put them in the refrigerator. We put a piece of bread in a baggie also. We spent quite a bit of time setting up a little ipod wanna be with music for Alicia's run. We made it work and we were very excited about it. We put everything in my race room and we were ready for bed at 10pm. Had to sleep fast because we were going to be rudely awakened at 2am by our phones.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Thanks for the great run Mom! Lets do it again in January!