Training Plan

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cabin in South Lake Tahoe

Our cozy cabin for the week. We get warm
feelings as we sit together in the living room.
Here is our home for one week. We are very excited to be spending an extra week in Lake Tahoe before Camp W. In previous years we've come a couple of days early, but this time we plan on really getting out and being adventuresome with some new hikes and some biking towing the dogs. Hopefully the two senior dogs, Glitter and Gizmo, will really appreciate riding while they enjoy the Tahoe scenery. I know the younger dogs like to "run" but we can tire them out with a ball session.
You can see the pretty "welcome lights" at night.
Our arrival at the cabin was delayed because we didn't leave Salt Lake until 3:30 in the afternoon. I don't even want to relive or tell about that part of the day. So we got here at 1:00am. One nice thing: Christmas lights on the cabin, easy to find it in the dark. Nice motion yard lights. The bummer. I got the door key code months ago, well it had been changed. We spent a half hour trying it. We gave up and finally called the Sherich's. Monica was so cheerful and called us right back (remember this is the middle of the night) - giving us the correct code. Finally we were in. Unloaded our bikes, and grabbed our dogs and pillows and hit the bed!
Before Jan was up this morning I was unloading our stuff from the car. Sorting through the things we need for camp and what we will be using this week. It was so nice out this morning. After I brought all the stuff in, then I had to figure out where to put everything. Since we won't be using the fireplace, I lined all my stuff up in from of it.

Jan and I got ready this morning for church at 10am. Showed up at the building on Spruce about 9:45. Hmmmm the parking lot was empty except for one car. It didn't take long to find out they were having stake conference in Carson City. So all of us out of town visitors were out of luck. Too late and we really didn't want to go that far.
Jan & Glitter by Aspen Ave.
We came home and took a nice mile walk around the neighborhood with the dogs. My Garmin said that it was 93. Wow, hot. But we tried to walk where there was shade. Saw lots of cabins for sale. Headed back to the cabin to wait for Nancy to arrive.
Backyard photo opportunity.
After Nancy arrived and we got her car unloaded and everything into the cabin. First thing: we draped all the furniture with sheets. We had bathed & brushed all the dogs two weeks ago, but it will just give us an extra edge on dog hair and keeping things clean. We then headed off for a trip to the grocery store to load up on food for the week. We have planned to cook most of our meals.

Tonights menu: Salad with a special homemade dressing, baked Salmon, corn on the cob, and zuchinni from our garden. Drink: bottled water. We enjoyed this meal in the beautiful backyard garden at the picnic table.

After dinner we went for a bike ride around our neighborhood and then down on the bike path along Lake Tahoe Blvd. We rode about 2.5 miles. Nancy enjoyed her birthday present: a new Diamondback Serene bike.
Loading the game. 5 Shelties ready to play.
The last entertainment for the evening was a dog game. Put the treats in this game called Dog Brick. ‘Dog Brick’ requires a dog to first dislodge the removable bones, then to push the sliding covers and access hidden treats. The level of difficulty for the Brick can be varied, depending upon the dog’s experience and his enthusiasm for the game.
Playing Dog Brick.

1 comment:

Tink said...

looks and sounds like you and the dogs are having a good time.