Training Plan

Monday, August 15, 2011

Evening Walk with Chip, Glitter & Tinkerbell

Well, tonight I was bad and missed FHE at the Bee's game in Salt Lake. My excuse, I would rather do than watch. Sometimes I can sit there, and sometimes not. My favorite reasons to go to a baseball game - watch a little eat a hotdog, have some kettle corn and an ice cream. Now you can see why I didn't go. I would have made myself miserable and probably those around me. I feel really bad because I have the best husband. But sometimes I can't even make him happy.
So at home I worked on my screen for the dog trailer and gave all the dogs baths (which made me extremely unpopular with them also, seems to be going around with me today.) So to make it up to the doggies I decided to take them for an evening walk. Waiting until later, so I could give them an extra special treat - some off leash walking time because less people out are out because of the evening bugs. We walked along the Jordan River, only having to leash up two times to pass two other families.
Ready to show off their clean hair, all the doggies came out the front door, wanting to go for the walk. Glitter had to think about it a little longer than the others and be coaxed a little, but it was her choice to come. One thing she dreads is the leash, messes up her hair. Quickly leashes were on and we headed out. Chip, Tink and Glitter all kept up a great pace. I was proud of Glitter, she trotted quickly along like a little princess. Home now and all the dogs are napping, still drying from the bath. And no bugging me with a ball.
Now how do I make it up to Jan.....

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