Training Plan

Monday, August 15, 2011

One SoJo Long Run Done - 16 Miles

Here I come.
So 4:30am came quick Saturday morning. Really wanted to go on a memorial bike ride but I knew that I needed to start getting my long runs done. Met Cyndie and Liz at the Winchester South Jordan River Parkway park - yes it was still dark. And we weren't the only ones. There were other runners, and some fisherman. Glad there were three of us.
I didn't prepare well food wise for this long run, and that showed. I even didn't bring enough GU. I guess getting ready at 10pm the night before my math skills were lacking. After about an hour into the run we met up with Stella, so then there were four. Liz stayed with us a little longer and then she left, her back was really bothering her and we were back to three. Saw Cyndie's friend Franz and got a hug. We met one of Stella's friends, Kathy, and then we were back up to four. I left at 16 miles. Cyndie rocked 4 more!
Time: 3:51:53 
Fastest mile: 13:22
Calories:  1,488

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