Training Plan

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TIMING and SEASONS - Great Article by Coach Keena

What a great reminder by Coach Keena to not compare ourselves to others because we are at a different stage in life:

I am talking about working with where you are in your LIFE and with the SEASON of life you are currently engaged in. You see, too many times we make the mistake of comparing ourselves and what we are doing with one of two different people:
1. OTHER PEOPLE and what they are doing
2. OURSELF at another time in life

The reason this is a mistake is because we need to be true and honest with who WE are and what WE are doing RIGHT NOW. Let’s NOT compare ourselves to some other athlete or individual and what THEY are doing. And…let’s NOT compare ourselves to who we might have been 10 years ago, or who we THINK we were back in the ‘good old days’. Let’s take inventory on who we are and what our lives can handle NOW and work our very hardest to be the VERY BEST we can be RIGHT NOW!

She goes on to tell about the stage of her life when she was actively raising 4 small children, then she says:

I read a good analogy in a book by Chris Carmichael (Lance Armstrong’s coach) titled “5 Essentials For A Winning Life” (if you are interested in a good read)… He likened life to cycling. You see, in cycling, when everything is running optimally, we call it “being on top of the gear”. It’s when you feel that you are riding with no effort and everything just feels good. Then there is the opposite feeling (“behind the gear”) when it feels like you are pedaling through peanut butter. Ever had a time or season in your life where you felt like you were “behind the gear”? When the efficient, coordinated, and focused movements of your life have broken down and the harder you push, the farther you fall behind the gear?

Of course you have. WE ALL have felt that way! It’s part of being human and living. The simple solution to getting back “on top of the gear” (and I’m not really talking about cycling…right?!) is to SHIFT! What this means figuratively is that you are going to have to make some changes in the way you approach life’s demands. SHIFT the way you are thinking. SHIFT the way you approach your life. SHIFT your priorities!

If you were climbing a mountain, would you stay in the same gears as when you are riding on flat terrain? Of course not. You would shift into an easier gear during the steepest of the hill climbing to make sure you made it to the top. You also wouldn’t just STOP pedaling, cause then it would get even harder to get your momentum going again. Just shift your gearing to accommodate your situation and you are doing great! That also goes the other way. If you are coasting along and not challenged…it is TIME to shift into another gear that can get you moving!!

Take a look at your season of life and then make realistic, engaging, positive goals that will challenge and excite you and make everything in your life more focused and improved.

If you go to read full article she shares a few coaching stories of some of her clients and what their challenges.

Focus on what you CAN control and then spend your energy and time on that. The thing I want you to notice is that NEVER in any of this information have I EVER given you the option of using your timing in life or season of life as an EXCUSE to just not TRY! There is never a season or time that you can’t be making the effort to EAT HEALTHY and MOVE! I have heard lots and LOTS of excuses in my 17 years as a trainer and coach as to why people can’t live a healthier (and happier) life. The big one I hear is that people just don’t have enough “TIME”. Bull@*&#! You DO have enough time. And, if you don’t make time now to be healthy…don’t be surprised when your body decides that it doesn’t have time to be healthy for you in the future!

If lack of time in this season of your life is your excuse…the reality of it is that being healthy and making a commitment to your health is not important enough to you. Be honest with yourself. If you are using TIME as an excuse, then you need to do the following:
1. Analyze where you are spending all your TIME.
2. Re-asses how important everything is that is taking your TIME.
3. Find a way to utilize your TIME more efficiently so you can commit to even just 30 minutes a day of focused exercise.

Same thing with your NUTRITION. Don’t even think about saying that you don’t have enough TIME to eat well! It takes just as much TIME to make a healthy choice (even a fast food choice) as it does to make an unhealthy choice!

So…YES, we need to take our TIMING and SEASON of life into consideration when we set goals and make commitments. BUT, we should NEVER use that as an EXCUSE to not TRY and become the BEST WE CAN BE at this moment!
Be nice to yourself!
But, don’t cheat yourself of the opportunity for greatness!
Enjoy where you are in life.
But, always strive to live life to your fullest.
You can absolutely become a better you and….

Wow very powerful. I hope her message motivates you.

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