Training Plan

Saturday, September 3, 2011

North Shore Bike Ride

Today our bike ride took us to the Tahoe Trailways West Shore bike path. We started at the very beginning of the path and rode our bikes to Homewood. It took us a little longer than we expected getting started because most of the bike tires and some of the trailer tires needed air. We wanted things to go good and we were excited about our afternoon with the Garcia's and we wanted to be on time.
Nancy riding with Marsha and dogs close behind.
Marsha taking a break.
When we got to Homewood we had run out of time to go further. We'd put our picnic lunch in a cooler on the back of my bike so we enjoyed it at the picnic tables you see in the background. Everything tastes good after a ride.
Jan at our only rest stop in Homewood.
Time for a little "out" work for Aiden.
Sick and tired of riding in the carts the dogs had other ideas. Group lessons. We found them here at the ticket office signing up for group snowboard lessons. We let them down easy as we explained there had to be snow.
Shelties want to go to snowboard school.
L-R: Chip, Tink, Glitter, Aiden and Gizmo.

After the photo shoot it was off to head back down the bike trail. Here we are just before leaving.
Dogs wanted to take one last look at those snowboard
trails they were missing out on.
It was a nice ride back to to van. The hills weren't as bad as I thought they would be, although some places my gears were at 1 & 1. When I am pulling that much dog load sometimes I need to be in my lowest gear.
I had one little accident. We were going down the trail, I stopped at the stop sign because of a FEDX truck. Well the stop went well until I put down my foot and the because the asphalt was smooth my clip slid and that quick I was down. Luckily I had on some longer pants, so my knee did get scraped, but cleanly because my pants ran interference.

1 comment:

Tink said...

It looks like the whole family is have a great time.