Training Plan

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Prey Meadows

Pat sharing her plant
After our photo shoot with Sharon and ??? (a former Camp W cook) in Glenbrook, a private Lake Tahoe community, we went on a hike with Pat (a former Camp W cook) to Prey Meadows. Pat is very knowledgeable about history and plants. She is a great cook and a wonderful poet and probably a lot of other things I just don't know about.
She told us the history of the area we were hiking, how back years ago when the trail we were taking was actually a railroad, which has been removed. The railway was built back when they cut all the trees down. Yes, they actually cut down all the trees in this area to use in the mines on the other side of the mountain.
Then they would transport the logs via train to Skunk Harbor where they were hauled up the mountain. Then the logs traveled in flumes full of water down the other side of the mountain to the saw mill.
Shelties with new friends Willie and Brandy.
Glitter falls in love with Willie, the Border Collie.
The hike was fairly flat, wide path, very quiet and nice. A lady Nancy knew, Jeanne also hiked with us. She has the JRT seen to the left in the picture above. The Border Collie Willie belongs to Pat.
Hiking fun.
After the hike we all squished back in the van and went back to Camp W. Stats for this hike: 3 miles & 199 ft of elevation gain.
Jan standing by some logs where forest
service workers have cut down trees
infested by beetles.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Wow Mom! I'm so glad you had fun with Janny and Nancy! I love you.