Training Plan

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Long Run 8 Miles Plus 11 Mile Bike Ride

What better way to start a Saturday than to run long. Today Cyndie and I ran in Riverton and South Jordan. Nice weather with temps 40 degrees and climbing. We got in a couple of hills and a downhill or two. Cyndie was having revenge of the Friday night Sonic onion rings while I got up extra early in the morning and my stomach upset came from Crown Burger salad and thousand island dressing. Today Gymboss was set at 2:30 / 1. We did fine at this pace. We easily made our goal of 8 miles. (How bout that word Cyndie, almost as good as quick.) I'm sore tonight. Our time 1:38:56. Today I tried a Vanilla Bean GU - another shot of frosting. Almost done eating all my free stuff. Think I still have Chocolate Mint GU left.
Back at the parking lot and we made the change into biker girls. We were joined on our bike ride by my friend Peggy Matheson. We rode on 1300 West and around to the Jordan River parkway in Riverton and Bluffdale. Had fun riding and chit-chating. So the milage: 11.41 miles in 1:19:59.
Shifting didn't go so great for me on the ride, took my bike into Infinite Cycles and James gave it a fast tune-up and tightened the gear cable on the bike. I sure love this bike - it's a sweet ride. He also paired my Garmin with the bike cadence thingy and set the display to show everything I need while biking. Got a little bag thingy to put my spare tire, patch kit, etc. in which he installed. I'm ready to hit the street next week.


Tink said...

It was a quick 8 when you think of how much longer we are going to be out there for 20 miles. He he he

Marsha said...

Thanks for reminding me that I will be running 20 miles soon. I am still trying to grasp that concept - especially when I see my countdown at 69 days!