Training Plan

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Busy Race Prep Day - Hill Run Take 2

There are always things to do to get ready for race day, today was no exception. After work I headed to Wasatch Running Company to pick up some Hammer GEL in my two favorite flavors, Montana Huckleberry & Raspberry. They have the best price 1.25 plus Desert Shark discount of 10%. I also picked up 3 Stinger Waffles (like a cookie) and some running pants at 50% off.
Then it was off to see the Brenden the PT at Pioneer Comprehensive Medical (PCM). We started out the therapy with an unusual maneuver. He had me sit on a chair extend one leg out in front of me just off the floor and then stand up on one leg. Kind of awkward - but I did it on both sides. He was testing to see where I was tight. Anyway, he spent time checking my hips, torso and legs for restrictions and then he did some work on helping me slowly stretch and rotate my upper body to the right & left. When he got done my range of motion was much better. Then we moved back on to the myofacial release work to help the bladder be less rigid. This area was a little more tender this time. Brendan also showed me a twisting stretch to do to keep working on my range of motion. Left side definitely tighter than right side. He sure helped improve that.
After the physical therapy I had decided to try another service they offered. Here I am trying something new again. Just one big experiment. It is called a Myers Cocktail. I have highlighted the two points that attracted me to try this modality.

Many people know they tend to get sick when they fly or travel so they will often do a Myer’s Cocktail before they leave on a trip and even when they return, if necessary. This often helps to prevent catching cold or flu, as we know the main cause of catching colds and flu is not simply being exposed to them it is our body getting run down and becoming susceptible to them as we are commonly exposed to them every day. As Pasteur states.....”the bug is nothing; the terrain is everything.”

A Myer’s Cocktail is a combination of vitamins and electrolytes given intravenously in high therapeutic doses. The name came from the late doctor John Myers who pioneered the use of these I.V. vitamins in this combination. There can be slight variations in the number and quantity of vitamins used . The formulation that we use has Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Gluconate, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Dexpanthenol, and Pyridoxine.
Myer’s Cocktails can be a very attractive treatment modality and has become a very popular treatment for patients in our clinic. Common uses for Myer’s Cocktails include:
1. Patients who come to us very ill, especially those that have been having chronic bowel issues and malabsorption. They often have a deficiency in necessary vitamins and minerals. Blood work will often show normal levels; however, at a cellular level patients can have severe deficiencies. If patients are quite ill or run down typically we recommend doing a Myer’s Cocktail every 7-10 days for 3-4 times to get their levels back up. We would then recommend that patients follow their intuition. Patients can usually tell when they need another cocktail. It is common for patients to do one every month or two until they feel like they are back on track and then they may do one every 3-4 months for maintenance and then on an as-needed basis if they start to feel run down, get fatigued, or start to get upper-respiratory infections.
2. For people with poor immune function who tend to get sick easily or have chronic sinusitis Myer’s Cocktails can be a very good treatment modality. As soon as you start to get ill if the Myer’s Cocktail is given in time the progression of the illness is frequently halted for colds or flus or significantly reduce the longevity and severity of the illness.
3. Chronic Issues such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome tend to respond well to I.V. nutrient therapy.
4. Myer’s Cocktails are popular among athletes. For example, marathoners will commonly do a Myer’s Cocktail the week preceding their marathon and then again after the marathon to help speed recovery and avoid a down-turn in their training or immune function due to the severe exertion.
5. Myer’s Cocktails are often used as an adjunct to therapy and treatment of cancer. They are often used in combination with natural treatment protocols and there has been good research done using high dose I.V. Vitamin C. It can also be used to help patients recover from radiation or chemotherapeutic regimens.
6. Hives of unknown origin will often respond well to I.V. Myer’s Cocktails.Page Two – Meyer’s Cocktails
Most people experience an increase in energy, improved mind clarity, decreased depression and anxiety, improved mood, faster recovery times, and less illness.

All went well with this. My body felt warm... and I felt a bit dizzy toward the end but that cleared in a couple of minutes. I didn't taste vitamins or feel any burning from the magnesium. With that finished it was time to get on home to run.

Ok I think this is the warmest it has been for my running - 71 degrees. Partly cloudy. Chose a running skirt & short sleeve shirt. Since the race Saturday will have hills I decided it was again a hill day. Since I am considering shortening the 20-22 mile run Saturday because Coach Cyndie says I am ready, I am doing 5 miles, which just put me about 5 minutes over my scheduled run time. How do I pick where to run. I just head out and look for the hills in my area. Luckily there was flat and downhill (creates soreness) areas in between for some variety and relief. Yah right - relief. I actually did fine. 

For 7% of the time I got my heart rate into Zone 3. Ha ha. I know, pretty pitiful. 46% Zone 2 and 40% Zone 1. What is funny is one of the reasons I wanted a heart rate monitor is to make sure I didn't overdue it at my age. Well don't worry friends I am not putting much stress on my heart at all. 

Home to a nice dinner prepared by Jan, then a shower. I also ordered a reflective vest from for the Ragnar. I know it is early for Las Vegas. But what if I cave and go to Wasatch Back Ragnar. Not likely, but even I don't know what I'll do. Also picked up a larger pocket for my fuel/hydration belt. Thanks to Liz I got the Marathon Maniac 15% additional discount. No shipping & tax. Way to go Marsha!

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