Training Plan

Friday, April 22, 2011

Run Today - Bike Tomorrow...Time to SMILE

Couldn't resist. :-)
Today's early Friday morning running group: Liz, her friend from work Kami, Cyndie and me. Extra points for Cyndie who could have slept in. We met at 7am in Riverton to run our 10 miles along the Jordan River Parkway and nearby business area. Saw Bishop Walker running this morning, I am used to seeing him on a bike.
The temperature for our run started out at a crisp 32 degrees but it did warm up some when the sun came out.The "easy ten" was for the most part easy.
When I hit the 5 mile mark I needed the restroom which didn't come until about 8 miles. It is in the plan for marathon day to hit one nearer to 5 - seems to be a thing with my body.
In the talk last night at Karlie's BYU graduation Elder Richard G. Scott counseled us "to be a force for good in a world that desperately needs it." I think I was doing that. I was being a good example of how an 8 time grandma is not too old to exercise.

Cyndie and I ran together. She is strong and really pushes me to keep up the pace. I'm thinking could we go slower and cruise this is a rest week. I have a strong heart but weak communication with my legs to match up. I'm not even getting my heart rate up to any beneficial zone. Geeeez. When I run harder then I can't talk....and that would ruin our girl therapy session. 
So here are the stats: Mile1 13:21 Mile2 13:16 Mile3 13:47 Mile4 12:54 Mile5 13:41 Mile6 13:12 Mile713:11 Mile8 13:26 Mile9 12:28 Mile10 12:43 Time 2:12:05.
Two fastest miles were last!  Not bad.

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