Training Plan

Thursday, April 14, 2011

So here is Arfie. You know how I love him and dogpile. He is doing his spring cleaning. I have been doing that myself and in particular I wanted to talk about my biking running swimming Disney office. I have changed my upstairs office / guest room into a room where I keep all my training stuff including my bike which is too beautiful to put in the garage. At least it is not in the kitchen where it was all winter.
Our Disney pins and Disney mementos are still in this room. I have yet to move my few "medals" from Triathlons, 5k's or 1/2 marathons in here - those Disney pins are pretty hard to compete with. For now my medals will stay in my closet and await the arrival of my 26.2 finisher medal.
I have set the room up so it can be a staging area for training or race days. I put all my things into those plastic drawers all separated so that I can find it easier and put things away easier. I put a low table in the room so that I can lay my stuff out ahead of time and I can close all the doors so that doggies cannot get to it. So far I've only lost one expensive running sock because I was careless and left them on the bench in my closet - and that was before my new system.
So I am not sure what to call this room. Any cute ideas? This room set up is sure working nicely. I'm trying to train myself to set everything down in here so I know where stuff is. I tend to make piles all over the house! I just walk around mindlessly taking stuff off when I come in. Also, many times I train early in the morning - this gives me somewhere to get ready and not disturb Jan when he is still in bed. I have a lot more spring cleaning and organizing in this room but it is coming along nicely.

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