Training Plan

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today was the Goldilocks bike ride in Herriman, Utah. My second. I went last year on my comfort bike, by myself, very lonely. What a difference this year! What a fun morning ride. My girlfriends ended up riding in two groups, the 20 milers and the 40 milers. In the 40 mile distance we had sisters Liz and Danielle. In the 20 mile group was Peggy, Cyndie, Stella and me.
Before ride, Marsha & Peggy.
Since Peggy and I are neighbors we came together, and we had a chauffeur, Peggy's husband Evan. How nice was this, very. He loaded and unloaded our bikes, and watched them for us before the ride started. Peggy and I were able to get a little something to eat before the ride, they had fruit and muffins. Some of us even signed up for next year!

Peggy's husband Evan also took the time to check tire pressure, something I did the night before.... only my push on the tire method on carpet was quite lacking - I was going to ride at 40lbs of pressure when I should tires should be at 100lbs. Ooopps. As we waited for the ride to begin it became evident that it was going to be warm enough for no jackets, he was also nice enough to carry our coats back to the car. Did you notice my cute hot pink jersey? I decided to buy one this year. On our way out for the ride Evan rang a cowbell and cheered us on. He then rode his bike up Butterfield Canyon.
Cyndie, ready to roll out.
Since the race starts were a bit delayed because of early morning check-in, the 20 & 40 mile ladies left at the same time. We started out without Stella, she had forgotten her helmet. Cyndie waited until the last biker had left before she zoomed down the hill to catch us. She does love speed!
Goldilocks Girls L-R: Danielle, Liz, Me and Cyndie.
Had a fun downhill ride to the first and our only rest stop in the 20 miler, at the 10 mile marker. Lots of women were stopped to partake of orange slices, pretzels, licorice and Oreos. And this is where Stella was able to catch up with us. While Peggy and I were waiting in line for the little girls powder room, Cyndie and Stella went on ahead. 
Big smile and a wave from Peggy.
Peggy and I took our time riding the next 10 miles. We visited and rode side by side when the traffic and bike lane allowed. We had a nice time together. We both are "traffic nervous" but we were careful and rode confidently. I told Peggy about the trick I learned from Cyndie how not to wobble on the bike by looking forward down the road instead of right in front. Since the route went by my old house in West Jordan we took a little side trip to Uinta Hills to see it. Old memories. 

The route was very well marked and all went very smoothly. Lots of police to help us safely through all of the major intersections. Peggy and I were able to get to know each other better. For me this type of ride is all about the friends and just being together on bikes. I'm sure the ladies doing 80 & 100 miles had to get on it and mostly concentrate on riding.
The luncheon, looks like a party doesn't it!
Soon we ended back where we started, we were greeted by lots of cowbells and given a necklace to commemorate the ride. Cyndie told us that she and Stella had bike problems with Stella's bike - her chain came off. Cyndie my great little mechanic could not get it back on. It was just not going to happen. Stella had to walk it.

At the finish line they had this beautiful catered lunch. Turkey sandwiches with all the trimmings, chips, lots of fruit, homemade cookies, and The Sweet Tooth Fairy Cake Bites. It was all very yummy. A perfect way to end a bike ride.
L-R: 20 milers: Cyndie, Stella, Marsha and Peggy.
And the report from the 40 milers, things went well until mile 25 when Danielle got a flat tire. She and Liz started to change it but before they were finished they were rescued by a Papa Bear who finished the job it for them. It was 10:50am when I got a text from Liz saying they were turning around for the loop back home. Their total mileage for the 40 miler was 42 miles. FB post from Liz: "I just finished my ride. 42 miles in 4 hours 5 minutes. Last few miles were up hill my legs were so weak at the finish I couldn't clip out 1 shoe and fell over." Liz did end up with a scape, I still can see my nice scar from my first tip over.

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