Training Plan

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Getting Ready New Years Day 5K

This is it, the 5K day for Jan and I. Jan will be walking it and I will be running it - twice. Yes, today is my first 10K. Once around for the race, second time for marathon practice. Weather this morning is 8°F and should be up to 14°F by race start. And amazing it will be sunny but that usually means colder. The race starts at 10am and will be run on the Porter Rockwell Trail in Draper. Jan will really need to bundle up to stay warm, and it looks like I'll have to wear my light bike jacket over my running shirt. And two pairs of pants. Also spent some time on the foam roller, so hoping that helps the pain in my IT Band. Can't hurt that's for sure, well it does hurt when you are doing it.

I will miss my 4 legged running buddies, hope they forgive me because when they see me dress for running they know where I'm going. I am excited but a part of me really hates it being so cold. It takes a couple of miles to warm up. So technically speaking I will have four warm miles.

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