Training Plan

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sunny & 31 to Run

Nice to be back running on such a beautiful day. Not sure about the air quality. lol. Took my two favorite running partners, Chip and Tink. They love to run, just not as slow as me. The shorter trail was pretty snow free but the back trail still has a lot of snow so I mainly ran the no snow route because snow slows me down.
Had a few small pains in different areas, they kinda rotated around. Nothing really bad, guess just muscles wanting me to notice them. I still have my cold but I couldn't use that as an excuse, the countdowns on my races are running and so I have to run. I want to do my part in the success of this marathon goal. Unfortunately I can't just show up and hope to run it. If it were that easy how much of an accomplishment would it be.
Todays run stats: Mile 1: 12:02 Mile 2 12:21 Mile 3 12:37 AVG heart rate 132.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Ewww, bad air...maybe a medical mask? Just a thought. Your one tough Mama to run when your sick. I can hardly walk in the snow and your running in it!