Training Plan

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Walk Breaks

Most runners will record significantly faster times when they take walk breaks because they don't slow down at the end of a long run. Thousands of time-goal-oriented veterans have improved by 10, 20, 30 minutes and more in marathons by taking walk breaks early and often in their goal races. You can easily spot these folks. They're the ones who are picking up speed during the last two to six miles when everyone else is slowing down. The mental benefit: breaking 26 miles into segments, which you know you can do. I always felt I could go one more mile.
Walk breaks in the marathon: how long and how often? First time marathoners should follow the ratios used in training as long as they haven't slowed down significantly at the end of the long ones. If you struggled during the last few miles take walk breaks more often from the beginning.
Here are my recommended ratios of running and walking, based upon your pace per mile. Remember that long runs should be run at least 2 min/mi slower than your projected finish pace in the marathon. An additional slowdown should be made for increased temperature: 30 sec per mile slower for each 5 degrees of temperature increase above 60F. It is always safer to walk more often. Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the training pace used:
12 min/mi—2:1
Why do walk breaks work? By using muscles in different ways from the beginning, your legs keep their bounce as they conserve resources. When a muscle group, such as your calf, is used continuously step by step, it fatigues relatively soon. The weak areas get overused and force you to slow down later or scream at you in pain afterward. By shifting back and forth between walking and running muscles, you distribute the workload among a variety of muscles, increasing your overall performance capacity.
Walk breaks will significantly speed up recovery because there is less damage to repair. The early walk breaks erase fatigue, and the later walk breaks will reduce or eliminate overuse muscle breakdown.
The earlier you take the walk breaks, the more they help you! To receive maximum benefit, you must start the walk breaks before you feel any fatigue, in the first mile. If you wait until you feel the need for a walk break, you've already reduced your potential performance.
How fast should the walk break be? When you walk fast for a minute, most runners will lose about 15 seconds over running at their regular pace. But if you walk slowly, you'll have lost only about 20 seconds.
Once we find the ideal ratio for a given distance, walk breaks allow us to feel strong to the end and recover fast, while bestowing the same stamina and conditioning we would have received if we had run continuously.
Don't get too rigidly locked into a specific ratio of walk breaks, adjust as needed. Even if you run the same distance every day, you'll find that you'll need to vary the walk break frequency to adjust for speed, hills, heat, humidity, time off from training, etc. If you anticipate that your run will be more difficult or will produce a longer recovery, take more frequent walk breaks (or longer walks) and you may be surprised at how quickly you recover.
Do I need to take the walk breaks on the short runs during the week? If you can run continuously now on shorter runs, you don't have to take the walk breaks. If you want to take them, do so. Walk breaks on midweek runs will insure that you recover from the long ones at the fastest pace.

After 10

Use to be that after 10 meant, after 10pm where I definitely turn in to a pumpkin because I should be in bed, now it is my life after running 10 miles. lol. Not quite but I thought is was a catchy title!

I had scheduled a massage with Jen at Zenergy. I knew that my left leg was going to be hurting. She gave me a great massage and it made my legs feel a lot better. For the next few days I am going to continue with my leg stretches and include some time without the lift in my shoe. She is trying to determine what is causing the pain so hopefully we can eliminate it. I will be emailing her how it is going.

I also got a great tip from Liz during our run about an online store with discounts on running shoes. What a savings! I was able to purchase the normally $90+tax Nike Air Pegasus shoes for $62 no tax, no shipping. I guess you know I was very pleased. The great site was

Additionally I went out on the net and purchased a little techie device called Gymboss that is an interval timer that keeps a runner on track for the rest breaks. It came in hot pink. What more could I ask for!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

10 Mile Morning

I did it! Yeah a new personal record. 10 MILES. And as a second personal record, a total of 18 miles run for the week. Very cool. I went with Marathon Cyndie and met quite a few of her running girlfriends. A very nice group. I was able to meet her friend Liz she has been telling me about who is also entered in the Ogden Marathon.

A red burn day, we couldn't stand the thought of circling the Olympic Oval for 10 miles. We all met at a favorite running / walking spot in the valley, the Jordan River Parkway trail at 6400 South. In our group we had 3 different distances the runners were doing- 3 mile, 7 mile & 10 mile. Cyndie and I were the 10.

It was a crisp cool morning and the run went well for me. I easily got the hang of the Galloway method of taking walk breaks. It had a good rhythm and feel to it. For fuel I used a peanut butter & banana Bonk Breaker bar about 15 minutes before the run. During the run I had 2 of my favorite Cran-Razz Shot Bloks and water with Prolytes in it. I was wearing one Everlast Innergy "Energy Plus" disk. I also had rubbed in Myomed on my legs prior to getting dressed. After the run I drank a mixture of HEED and Whey protein.

Here are my stats (there are 10 of them!) Mile1-13:04 Mile2-13:12 Mile3-13:29 Mile4-13:19 Mile5-13:29 Mile6-13:25 Mile7-13:25 Mile8-14:05 (Bathroom break :-) Mile9-12:37 Mile10-12:12

Friday, January 28, 2011

Twas The Night Before Ten Miles

And all through the house,
all the creatures were stirring - we don't have a mouse.
The running clothes were hung in the closet with care,
in hopes that red burn would depart n leave quality air.

I'm ready to get all snuggled down in my bed,
visions of running dancing in my head.
Jan started a movie, oh I need a nap,
Now at the computer a dog in my lap.

I think my creative brains are tired. I am all packed and ready to go. I have the water bottles filled, the Shot Bloks packed, the GPS charged, ipod songs ready, sunglasses, gloves, etc. Wow, am I going to be loaded down.


When most people set goals, the only objective in mind is the end result. People forget that steps are required to reach these goals. These steps are called process goals.

Any time a goal is set, the little process goals that add up to the completion of the outcome goal shouldn't be ignored. Process goals are everyday conscious decisions that require discipline. Every decision has consequences, and without effort towards the process, the final outcome is in doubt. A good SMART goal requires smaller SMART process goals to ensure success.

S=Specific. Goals need to be specific. Simply setting a goal to increase running pace isn’t specific enough.

M=Measurable. Every goal needs to have some measurable characteristic. In the endurance sports world, the task is a little easier because everything comes down to distance, speed and time.

A=Adjustable. A lot of people are surprised by this characteristic, but goals should be adjustable. Personal issues happen and can derail goals that are set in stone. The ability to adjust a goal ensures progress. It can also help maintain motivation.

R=Realistic. It is great to set lofty goals and to challenge oneself, but unrealistic goals are rarely achieved, which leads to discouragement. Realistic goals encourage continued achievement.

T=Time Sensitive. Goals should not have an indefinite deadline. A deadline requires some time and effort from the goal-setter to make a reality.

Stephen P. Gonzalez, M.S.

Article from Rocky Mountain Running & Triathlon Jan/Feb 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Last Training Run Before 10 Miles

"Every thought or emotion vibrates through every cell in the body and leaves an influence like itself." Orson Swett Marden

I only have time for positive thoughts. I do find that a challenge. I am excited about my goals and it is energizing to challenge myself physically.

Legs are feeling pretty good today. They are ready for their 4 mile run. I've been trying to plan my races for 2011, lots of different types of races to choose from. The weather for today's run should be around 40 degrees. Too warm for the pink shirt, have to go a thin long sleeve tech shirt.

Tink and I headed out with 42 degrees as our temperature. So pretty and clear and sunny. We had a nice run, bottle of water at 2 miles and a bag of Gu Chomps, watermelon flavor. (They were ok and I will eat the other 2 bags I purchased but I will go back to my fav Cran-Razz.)

Run Stats: Mile1 - 11:56 Mile2 - 12:40 Mile3 - 13:17 (Water & GU) Mile4 - 11:41

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Marathon Week 9!

Wow, training Week 9 is here already. I missed yesterdays cross-training, just got tired and lazy. Busy doing normal life stuff. Today after work I had a visit with Stacey at Muscle Works. After she worked my legs over she did a bit of massage on my neck and then booted me out the door to do my 4 mile run for today. Well, not really - about the booting I mean - but I actually had to run 4 miles when I got home.
Nice day, 36 degrees, snow on the ground but the trail had been cleared by some nice person. Dressed for the temperature and headed out with Tinkerbell. Didn't meet anyone running today, just one lone walker. Lots of geese out in the Jordan River Parkway, their poop all over the trail where they were hanging out. Its like a poop poop dance to try not to step in it.
Tried to run each mile faster than the previous mile. It is kind of hard to determine the speed of mile 3 because after mile 2 I stopped to drink a bottle of water. I was also walking and going to eat some strawberry Gu Chomps. They were almost impossible to get out of the package because I forgot to cut it open before I left. Turned out ok though, I did not like them and so one was enough for me. Not liking something strawberry flavored - strange for me. I am going to stick with my Clif Shot Bloks in my favorite flavor of Cran-Razz. No more trying anything else.
My run stats: Mile 1 - 12:45 & Mile 2 - 11:58 & Mile 3 - 13:24 & Mile 4 - 11:22 with a .22 mile walk home. See I was able to improve my speed. Chalk up another run, another goal met. Way to go Marsha!

Little Red Riding Hood 2011

Registration is approaching quickly for the Little Red Riding Hood bike ride that will be held June 4, 2011 in Cache Valley, Utah. This will be my first year to attend and I am looking for some girlfriends to join me for the day and ride the scenic roads of Cache Valley. They have all different distances to select from. Registration is set to begin on February 7, 2011. The theme looks fun, The 50's. I was very young in the 50's - it will be fun to dress-up for that era. Let me know if this looks fun and you would like to join me. The ride fills every year, I believe the limit is 3000 so the time to decide is now, not after registration has opened.

The Magic of Mantras

So I was reading an article this morning that I got through my Runner's World email called The Magic of Mantras. Article says:

To achieve your running goals, powerful legs and big lungs aren't enough—you also need a strong head. Doubts and distractions can derail your attempts, but a well-chosen mantra can keep you calm and on target. "Repeating choice words whenever you need to focus helps direct your mind away from negative thoughts and toward a positive experience." Indeed, the Sanskrit word "mantra" literally means "instrument for thinking." As such, these short words or phrases have long been used to focus the mind in meditation.

An effective mantra addresses what you want to feel, not the adversity you're trying to overcome. In fact, when discomfort strikes, the worst thing you can do is embrace the pain. When you start thinking, Oh, this hurts, Oh, I have a side stitch, Oh, my legs are tired—those negative thoughts pile on, he says. A good mantra diverts your mind from thoughts that reinforce the pain to thoughts that help you transcend it.

So what makes a good mantra? One that's short, positive, instructive, and full of action words. Walker suggests preparing multiple mantras before a race tailored to various challenges.

Mantra Maker
How to put together your perfect phrase
Keep it short

Your mantra should be an affirmation, not a novel. When you're tired, you don't want something elaborate, it's too hard to remember. Keep it to five seconds or less.
Stay positive

Think of the problem you're trying to counteract and turn it around. "If you're feeling weak, your mantra should be I am strong.
Make it energetic

Your mantra should center on action verbs or strong adjectives, not abstract phrases. Look for words that convey energy, like "fast," "strong," or "power."
Embed instructions

Use the mantra to remind yourself what you plan to do or how you want to feel as you're running, says Walker. Now is the time; go for it. Or, Run relaxed. Finish strong.

One mile at a time.

Choose one word from each section below to create a motivational, get-it-done power chant.









Run Light Embrace Power

Think strong words. Repeat inspiring phrase. Run even better!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Morning Run Very Fine

Beautiful cold morning to run, 34 degrees. Today I tried something new I had planned to do with my new running friend, "Marathon Cyndie." Not to be confused with my other Cindy's, since I have a few I am now giving them the nicknames so I can talk about them, the other two are Shark Cindi and Sheltie Cindy. And yes they are all spelled different. My sweet Marathon Cyndie is sick and was unable to come run but we had planned to try having a gel before the run. Now I have bought and been given packages of gel and gu but had yet to try one. So after my piece of toast, I ate a Hammer Gel, Montana Huckleberry. Can you call it eat? lol I'm not sure. It was ok. Hammer Gel is suppose to be thinner than the Gu Energy Gel. I am not sure how it compares to Clif Shot. But it went down and not unpleasantly.
Tink and I headed out the door at 7:30am for the planned 4 mile run. Rest week is so nice. We took it slow and easy, much to Tink's dismay, she was really fired up and wanted to move it, move it. Besides the gel, which seemed to help I wore my water belt and after two miles had a little bottle of water to drink. Went well. Quite a few runners out on the trail, nice to see all the others out there following their dreams, clearing their heads, bonding with friends, getting some exercise. Running is cool. Did I really say that?! Lots of positive energy out there.
Stats for this morning:
Mile1 - 13:15 ... Mile2 - 13:32 ... Mile3 - 13:46 ... Mile4 13:39

Friday, January 21, 2011

Success doesn't come to you-you go to it.

My day of rest. Yeah! Today is my rest day from my training schedule. There is one thing on my training schedule for today and that is stretching. And I am going to do that tonight.
I also hope to browse some books I checked out at the library on yoga. I want to keep reading another library book I got, MARATHON You Can Do It! It is by Jeff Galloway. He is the one that teaches the run / walk method of running long distances. It is the system my friend Marathon Cyndie uses to run her long distances. My frustration, I have so many books I want to read and not enough time. I am thankful for libraries or I would be broke.
I am at a seminar all day for Everlast Innergy a company I just signed up with because I was so impressed with one of their products I have been wearing. I spent the day learning about the other products they have too. Wow. Watch me go now! One called Ideal Weight I am very excited about. I was very impressed.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sunny Day - 34 degrees

Today was a 3 mile run. Since Glitter and Tink were getting a bath & brush from Sharon Ogden it was Chips turn for a solo run with me. We headed out about 4pm for what turned out to be a 44:44 minute run. Some 12+ minute miles and then a nice .46 mile walk home to cool off. And yes I cooled off fast in that temperature since I was just wearing a thin technical shirt. Then home to blow dry my sweaty hair and off to pick up the girls after their hair appointment. Looking forward to my 4 miles on Saturday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Moment

I really like this book, The NON Runner's Marathon Guide For Women by Dawn Dais. Today I wanted to record some things she has to say about the moment, you know, that one when I cross the finish line of the marathon. Well, actually it is more than that, which is one reason for this blog.... to enjoy more than just the finish line these next five months.

"It is important to acknowledge what you're accomplishing with every individual mile you finish along the way. Like everything in life, it's easy to allow the moments of your training to pass you by without really appreciating them."

"Most of the things you learn about yourself, your limits, and your abilities won't come during the actual marathon. They'll come during less-obvious times, times that might be overlooked because you're focusing so intently on the marathon itself. They'll come when you lace up and hit the trail, even though the lacing up itself is enough to aggravates your poor sore muscles. They will be the times you exuberantly proclaim "I only have to run nine miles this weekend!" when a few weeks earlier the mere thought of a nine-mile run sent you whimpering into the fetal position. They'll come at times when you run through pouring rain, sideways wind, and scorching heat, because you made a commitment and you intend keeping it, regardless of Mother Nature's rather mean-spirited sense of humor."

And if you have been reading my blog you know I have experienced Mother Nature humor. Snow, wind, cold, ice packed trails... (of course what did I expect when I signed up for a marathon that would require winter training) And then I finally get sun and we get a "red burn" inversion day and have to run indoors - in circles. Yes, Mother Nature is funny like that.

"It's in these little moments when you'll realize, as many a profound person has observed, that sometimes the journey is worth more than the destination."

Complaining about the red burn day and the Olympic Oval, not really. I met a new friend and she has been gift. Someone who has already done what I want to do. Thank you for the red burn day.

"The marathon-training journey is about a lot more than merely finishing one (very long) race. It's about getting to the race; it's about challenging yourself in ways that seem obscene to any sane person; it's about coming up with unique ways to treat various rashes caused by spandex."

"So do yourself a favor. After you finish a long run, and before you look at your training calendar to see what mileage lies ahead, take a moment to bask in the glory of getting one step closer to your overall goal. (That goal being, of course, not dying while training for a marathon.) Realize that each run is a goal itself, so in essence you cross a goal off your list every time you kick off those sweaty running shoes. Take a moment after each run to cool down and acknowledge what your body has accomplished."

I so did this last week after my 8 miles. (30 laps) I was one lap behind Cyndie who had done a warm-up lap before my arrival at the Olympic Oval. After running 29 laps together she waited and when I came around for my last lap she cheered and ran alongside getting me to run a little faster at my "finish line" for that day. Thanks Cyndie. It was a great accomplishment for me. I had never run that far before.

Friends and family compliments help a runner to realize they are accomplishing something pretty amazing. As Dawn said, "About that time, I started becoming a little more impressed with myself, and not only with what I was attempting to do, but with what I'd already done." "...If you acknowledge all that you've accomplished in your previous weeks it will help you realize that you are completely capable of tackling what comes next."

"So go my little runners! Go embrace the moments of your life! Run in slow motion (or if you're like me, just run), give people high-fives...Celebrate what you're accomplishing as you accomplish it."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Training Run with Triathlon Coach

Today I did my run workout under the supervision of my triathlon coach, Dave, from In-Training. That is a picture of him to the right. Today we met at the track of the Juan Diego Catholic High School in Draper. I wanted him to watch me run to check to see if I was doing anything wrong while running. Come to find out I was doing a couple of things wrong.
First, the way I swing my arms. I was swinging them across my body a little, crossing the center. He showed me how to move them front to back, kind of like a locomotive. That will give me more power instead of making my body sway side to side. The second thing I was doing involves posture. Yeah, we all know mine is bad. So what he said was I need to lean forward from my ankles, not my waist. So basically all I have to do is remember to stand up straight and as I do so I naturally lean from the correct location, ankles.
As he was evaluating my running he taught me what to do to increase my speed. He had me run the track for a mile at my normal pace. Since a coach was watching me I seemed to run a little faster than my normal pace. So first mile pace 11:15. Second mile he wanted me to go faster. It was about 10:30. The last mile I was suppose to go faster and I did, 10:15. So what did he and I learn from this exercise? I have a better foot strike when I run faster than slower. My foot is on the ground less time and at a better angle.
Now obviously I can't keep up a pace like that for 26.2 miles, but Dave suggested that on my mid-week running days, I try to incorporate this technique because it will help me get stronger for the long run. He said to just run my normal pace on Saturdays. He said my normal pace will improve over time. Also, if it made me finish the 26.2 say 20 minutes sooner, who wouldn't like that!
So today, 3 miles in 34:25. And that is with two talking breaks in between the miles. The Garmin downloaded map is pretty funny, you can sure see I was running in circles.
BTW this track has resident geese. And those geese hang out in the middle of the track, and ON THE TRACK. Yes, they poop big and a lot. It was a very tricky obstacle course. Now you are even more impressed with my time.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to A Week With Cross-training

Today was a cross-training day for Week 8. Since the weather was a warm 53 degrees I decided the dogs would enjoy a walk. This week cross-training time is 20-35 minutes so I put on the Garmin and we set out to do a 2-mile walk. Chip & Tink on the right and Glitter & Vito on left. I took Jan's "stick" to wave back and forth to keep the dogs from going ahead. Had some tunes playing and it was a very fun walk. It was so nice walking out on the trails with no snow. A girl could get use to that. Could winter be over? lol. This is probably just a teaser for us, it is way too early to get warm. Did my stretching when I got home.
Walk stats:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fruit Basket

Well in order to eat better, ya know how you get hungry when in the car sometimes, well it happens to me a lot so now I have a fruit basket in my van. And of course a couple of flats of water and some Clif bars just in case too. I know this won't work as good in the warmer months but right now it works great. And I can grab something more healthy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Long Run 8 Miles

Well today was a first for me, I ran 8 miles at the Olympic Oval with my friend Cyndie. Red burn day forced us indoors, they charge $1 to use the track on red days. There were less people there today compared to last week, I think because they were having a speed skating competition so it looked like the ice was closed for the race.
Today Cyndie and I made several stops to stay hydrated and also fueled. Even with all the stopping at our "aid station" I still finished the 8.1 miles in 1:50. It was a lot better but I was still lacking some energy so I am going to need to be more careful on what "fuel" I choose to eat the day before, and well just in general. Crap in = crap out. I don't think breakfast was the problem, 2 poached eggs and wheat toast with butter. Water & water with Prolytes. Daily vitamins. Today I brought along some Clif Shot Bloks in my favorite flavor Cran-Razz and I ate those. They stick to the teeth but I've figured out how to eat them and it works for me.
First time ever in my life to run 8 miles! Another personal marathon goal met. The miles are adding up, this week was 14 miles total.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Time to Eat Healthy

I need to commit time to eating better. I am just a lazy cook. I have to get it out of my head that it is time consuming to eat really healthy. I so wish I could just show up for meals and they would be ready. Like at Camp W! Seems like the time I spend in the kitchen preparing meals I really resent. Or don't appreciate or enjoy. I think it comes from childhood - eat fast so I could go out and play. Why that is exactly what I want to do now! I have tried to simplify my life but what do you think, have I made any headway on that? How many new things have I started for a marathon, writing blogs, my weekly missionary cards, choir, librarian at church, I can't think of anything else. What have I dropped, I'm thinking, thinking...well competitive agility. I am sure there is something else that has slipped my mind.
Back to my healthy eating dilemma I just had a thought. Maybe I can make myself some cooking music for my ipod. Then I could look forward to preparing meals instead of it being so quiet - I miss Bob Lonsberry in the morning talking to me. And I do not like the radio, too many commercials. And the TV, news is depressing. I will put that on my to do list for this weekend, make a Cooking play list!

I need to eat really healthy. I am asking my body to do some amazing things in the next few months. There is more to a marathon that just doing the required running practice. The long runs I will be doing in the next few weeks are for practicing drinking to stay hydrated, eating gu and shot blocks to stay fueled, and running to get muscles ready so they can complete the big event. And I need to practice what I will be eating the days before the race. The night before the race, the day of the race. Remember that old saying, practice makes perfect.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Training Run

My training run went well. I remembered to take my ipod. I went alone to speed things up because I ran between work and a nail appointment. Saw the cute fox again. I do need to organize the order of my songs and have more play lists than just "Running." I think I need one for different run lengths. That way I will have more variety. Is that another task for my list? Sure is nice getting the songs on for 9 cents.
3 miles, Garmin says 11:16, 12:06 & 12:56.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am needing to build a better body so I am again listening and finishing Debbie Perry's CD set I purchased on nutrition.
Seek for health first and performance will follow. I can alter my genetic makeup to be the best me in my genetic optimum potential at this time. Food is more powerful than exercise to replicate DNA. I am not stuck with where I currently am at.
Need to create an anabolic body. Building muscle or retaining muscle when I am doing endurance activities. Alkalize body tissue to be healthy! It all has to do with food - the fuel. If I put junk in I am not going to get the results I want. It is frustrating to have to follow the law, there is no tricking the body.
“Remember that most standards endorsed by the government are created to prevent the weak from losing not to assist the strong in winning.”
What builds a strong cell? Good fats and protein.
Listen listen listen to what your body says when it comes to food. It will tell you when it doesn’t like something. And mine is soooo good at that. And as I age it is getting more picky.

The Athlete's Food Pyramid

Well here is the food pyramid. I guess it is lucky I already love water. Now I just have wot work on loving the fresh veggies and I do already love fresh fruit. Much different than the one I grew up with and even different that today's government new and improved.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cold Hangs On - Me & Utah

Today's run was a chilly 22 degrees but the air was clear so I was able to run outside. The problem with 22 is that it is a little colder than my shirt is rated but when I put on jacket then I get too hot. I just ran with the jacket unzipped. Got a nice cold face. And bum. Tink went today and we saw the little fox twice during our run back and forth on the cleared part of the trail. It kept looking at us, I wondered what it thought of Tinkerbell because she is almost the same size and color. This is the first time I haven't been in the house when I've seen it.
3 mile run:
Mile 1 10:18
Mile 2 12:09
Mile 3 12:23
walk home .4 miles for another 7 minutes
Average heart rate 135

Monday, January 10, 2011

On goal for 26.2

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France
A new week, still have this darn cold so I am again skipping the cross training. I am going to eat better this week and get more rest. I hope this will help me recover. I am not skipping running. I am happy that my new friend Cyndie looked me up on Facebook and sent me a message. To have someone to run with at my speed is awesome.
So far all of my friends who are runners run so much faster than I do. In all new endeavors I normally always try to hang with and find those who are better than me in order to learn and get better quicker, but in running that just doesn't work as far as someone to run with. Although good runners are great to be around and learn from and be inspired and encouraged by, unless they want to run at my pace for a bit they are not a good match for someone to run with. I just can't keep up, lol, and I think it must be painful for them to run as slow as I do. The miles do not fly by but they do go by. I am on week 7!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Day of Rest

Glad for this day. Had the highest mileage of my running training so far with with a week total mileage of 13.33 miles. I deserve a day off.
Today's reading was about planning ahead. Some cool thoughts:
"Though the act itself of crossing the finish line only takes a few seconds, it takes a lot of planning to get there. It takes foresight, dedication, and then training to be able to make it to the finish line. I see a finish line in your future but you must act today." Matt Galland

Relax, breathe, and believe.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Round and Round I Go

Inversion. Such a dirty word. And that dirty word caused a red burn day in Salt Lake County and forced me to abandon my plan to run on the Porter Rockwell & Canal Trail in Draper and head for the Olympic Oval in Kearns.
I went at 8am and for the first time met up with a free running group I had joined many weeks ago from the Salt Lake Running Company. Last night in preparation for my 7 mile run I downloaded some songs and got my old ipod ready to take with me. Today was suppose to be my first time running along a trail with music.
Anyway, I got to to OO and met the other runners at 8am. They were all very friendly and I was fortunate to meet Cyndie Nell from West Jordan who was running 4 miles today and what was so cool was that she runs at my pace! Amazing. So I had someone to actually talk to for my first 16 times around the track. Since my Garmin could not get a GPS signal inside the building I used it to track my time and laps, each time around I pushed a lap button. Cyndie and I had a nice visit and she told me about the marathons she has done and how she did them by doing a run-walk method. She would have run more with me but she is on her rest week because of a 1/2 marathon in Huntington Beach next month.
When Cyndie had to go I jogged in for a drink and decided it was time to get the music going. I was trying to run and start it and couldn't get my ipod to come off the Christmas playlist onto the new running playlist I'd made. Finally after much struggling I did it. The new headphones Jan gave me worked great and for my next laps there was music in my ears.
When I had just 4 remaining laps my friend Cindi from the Desert Sharks showed up. She runs faster than I do and is an awesome Ironman finisher last year, she is such an inspiration. She finished in 14:21.48 and came in 39th out of 82 in her age group, 45-49. Cindi ran with me and my last lap.
So my stats are approximate, but the oval track is 442 meters or .27 mile around so 29 times around gives me mileage of 7.83 miles! Looks like I made my 7 mile goal for the day. Time 1 hour 50 minutes. Yes, my left leg hurts but I made it!!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another Day, Same Cold

I am not a very good sick person. I hope I don't need to learn something from this experience because I'm not getting it. The cold and flu season is one I'd like to skip.
But it doesn't matter, training must go on! So came home from work early at noon, ate a sandwich, went to bed. Got up at 3pm and did you guess?, went running, nose and feet. It was about 30 degrees out. Heading into the sun felt better than when it was at my back. Felt pretty crummy overall but Tink and I did 2.5 miles. Stats are Mile 1 12:36; Mile 2 13:26 + the half mile. Not great. But another goal accomplished as I did run the required time. I have missed my cross training, but rest is good.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No Cross Training :-(

Still have the cold. My training today is rest so that I can run tomorrow, where probably both my nose and legs will be running. I guess that is why someone invented Kleenex. Although I went out and bought my cute nose some Puffs. Read a great chapter on cross-training this morning at breakfast. Most valuable activities are walking, cycling, yoga, weight training, Pilate's and swimming.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sunny & 31 to Run

Nice to be back running on such a beautiful day. Not sure about the air quality. lol. Took my two favorite running partners, Chip and Tink. They love to run, just not as slow as me. The shorter trail was pretty snow free but the back trail still has a lot of snow so I mainly ran the no snow route because snow slows me down.
Had a few small pains in different areas, they kinda rotated around. Nothing really bad, guess just muscles wanting me to notice them. I still have my cold but I couldn't use that as an excuse, the countdowns on my races are running and so I have to run. I want to do my part in the success of this marathon goal. Unfortunately I can't just show up and hope to run it. If it were that easy how much of an accomplishment would it be.
Todays run stats: Mile 1: 12:02 Mile 2 12:21 Mile 3 12:37 AVG heart rate 132.