Training Plan

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 New Years Day 5K

Race Report

Beautiful weather for a race. It was cold and clear as predicted. When we arrived at Draper City Park I picked up our swag bags with our numbers and shirts and then went to sit in the van to wait for the race start with Jan. When it got close to start time I put on my jacket and number, etc. and Jan started layering his upper body with shirts. Once we were ready it was a short walk to the race start and soon we were off. There were about 200 runners.

One of the runners was a friend from Dr. Hall's office (chiropractor), Nanette, who finished 9th overall with a time of 25:48:4. She was telling me about the 50 mile race she did. Yeah, not a typo, she ran 50 miles. Way impressive. She is 45.

The course was a gradual uphill and an out and back. So on my way back I passed Jan and he was able to stop and take my picture. When I came to the finish line they put a finishers medal around my neck and shortly I was handed my "runner card" with my time and age group placement on it. With RunnerCard they start the official race time with a general timer, and so if you are in the back of the group, which we were, the time is not accurate because it starts before you cross the start line. That is why the serious runners are at the front. When you reach the finish time they actually scan your bar code on your number. The time below is unofficial, it takes a day and they post the "official results" in about 24 hours at They did break this race into a men's and women's divisions so overall placements are done that way.

Time for #67 Marsha Monson 36:59.8; 69th place overall & 4th in Women 55-59.

After I got my results I turned around and ran back up the trail to do it for the second time so that I could get in my 6 miles. And who should I come upon but my sweetheart who again stopped to take my picture. The perfect husband. There were still a few walkers out on the path but I soon passed them all. Soon I was headed back to the finish line for the second time. In the meantime Jan crosses the finish line.

Time for #68 Jan Monson 59:42.5 64th place overall & 4th in Men 55-59.

It wasn't too long before I crossed the finish line for the second time. This is the first time I used my heart rate monitor. So here are my Garmin collected stats: Fastest mile was Mile 1 12:02 Slowest mile was Mile 4 at 13:49 where I had my turn around time to start again.

So proud I ran 6 miles for the first time in my life!


Alicia said...

Love the photo! Great stats! Go my Six mile Mama!

Marsha said...

How cool will that be when I put a 2 in front of the six!