Training Plan

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Morning Run Very Fine

Beautiful cold morning to run, 34 degrees. Today I tried something new I had planned to do with my new running friend, "Marathon Cyndie." Not to be confused with my other Cindy's, since I have a few I am now giving them the nicknames so I can talk about them, the other two are Shark Cindi and Sheltie Cindy. And yes they are all spelled different. My sweet Marathon Cyndie is sick and was unable to come run but we had planned to try having a gel before the run. Now I have bought and been given packages of gel and gu but had yet to try one. So after my piece of toast, I ate a Hammer Gel, Montana Huckleberry. Can you call it eat? lol I'm not sure. It was ok. Hammer Gel is suppose to be thinner than the Gu Energy Gel. I am not sure how it compares to Clif Shot. But it went down and not unpleasantly.
Tink and I headed out the door at 7:30am for the planned 4 mile run. Rest week is so nice. We took it slow and easy, much to Tink's dismay, she was really fired up and wanted to move it, move it. Besides the gel, which seemed to help I wore my water belt and after two miles had a little bottle of water to drink. Went well. Quite a few runners out on the trail, nice to see all the others out there following their dreams, clearing their heads, bonding with friends, getting some exercise. Running is cool. Did I really say that?! Lots of positive energy out there.
Stats for this morning:
Mile1 - 13:15 ... Mile2 - 13:32 ... Mile3 - 13:46 ... Mile4 13:39

1 comment:

Alicia said...

You could do jumping jacks in place at work...