Training Plan

Friday, January 14, 2011

Time to Eat Healthy

I need to commit time to eating better. I am just a lazy cook. I have to get it out of my head that it is time consuming to eat really healthy. I so wish I could just show up for meals and they would be ready. Like at Camp W! Seems like the time I spend in the kitchen preparing meals I really resent. Or don't appreciate or enjoy. I think it comes from childhood - eat fast so I could go out and play. Why that is exactly what I want to do now! I have tried to simplify my life but what do you think, have I made any headway on that? How many new things have I started for a marathon, writing blogs, my weekly missionary cards, choir, librarian at church, I can't think of anything else. What have I dropped, I'm thinking, thinking...well competitive agility. I am sure there is something else that has slipped my mind.
Back to my healthy eating dilemma I just had a thought. Maybe I can make myself some cooking music for my ipod. Then I could look forward to preparing meals instead of it being so quiet - I miss Bob Lonsberry in the morning talking to me. And I do not like the radio, too many commercials. And the TV, news is depressing. I will put that on my to do list for this weekend, make a Cooking play list!

I need to eat really healthy. I am asking my body to do some amazing things in the next few months. There is more to a marathon that just doing the required running practice. The long runs I will be doing in the next few weeks are for practicing drinking to stay hydrated, eating gu and shot blocks to stay fueled, and running to get muscles ready so they can complete the big event. And I need to practice what I will be eating the days before the race. The night before the race, the day of the race. Remember that old saying, practice makes perfect.


Alicia said...

I'll join your for the night before carb fest! LOL

Marsha said...

Ok. I'm excited to practice a few on my long run training days. Great date night.