Training Plan

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dahn Yoga with Jerrie

Today I was able to visit with another family member who moved to Arizona years ago, Jerrie Gathe. She is my second reason for making the trip. I was able to reconnect with Jerrie back in December when Jan and I were here for Christmas with Alicia and family. Jerrie took the time to share with us a little bit about how she had healed herself through Dahn Yoga. This really interested me because of the peace I felt coming from her. I wanted some of that. But you know how Christmas is and there wasn't enough time to find out more, so I knew that I had to get back I just wasn't sure how or when.

On my quest to reconnect with my true self, because I think that is what is happening, there are people in my past who can help me get back to what matters most. And I find myself seeking them out. And as I present that as a need I am given the opportunities to make it happen. It is called the Law of Attraction and I really believe it works.

I am desperately trying to simplify my life but as I do I add more activities to it. I just can't quite figure this out yet and I know I am going to have to be patient with myself as I go through this process. I want to be able to relax and enjoy. Enjoy my family, friends, dogs and activities which are part of it.

Jerrie first looked at my aura and we spent a few minutes talking about what it showed. One of the things was that I am not using my energy wisely. I need to focus more on my core. But many, many good things were happening and I am headed in the right direction. I find it very very hard to relax. Almost impossible sometimes. Most of the time I try to do two things at once if possible. Multi-tasking. I am good at it. But is that a good thing? I'm not sure.

Jerrie showed Alicia, Melanie (Alicia's sister in law also visiting from Utah) and I many stretches that will specifically help me loosen my muscles for running. I am a lot tighter all over my body than I initially thought I was. I think that I have been that way so long that I am use to it. It feels normal to me. I really want to change that.

We went through lots of relaxation techniques and I felt so good and relaxed afterwards. What a nice afternoon. I know I am on the right path. Jerrie gave me a book Human Technology A Toolkit For Authentic Living and I am anxious to read it. Lots of homework ahead for me.

"If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most." President Uchtdorf

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so very glad that you are embracing the things we talked about. I am very thankful that we have reconnected at a time in both our lives when we are ready to grow and learn together!!!