Training Plan

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Jeff Galloway has a chapter in MARATHON You can do it! Called Countdown, it is about what to do two days before the race. Well my countdown as of today for the actual marathon is 90 days, 3 months friends and I will run 26.2 miles.

Jeff talks about how you can significantly enhance “the way you feel afterward and the quality of your performance by choosing certain behaviors and avoiding others.” So since my Dogtown Half Marathon this weekend is somewhat of a trial run, what are those behaviors? Be in charge of yourself the crucial 48 hours. Here is what to do:

Be positive. Use your list of Magic Marathon Words.
Drink! 4 to 6 ounces of water every hour you are awake.
Avoid dehydrating elements: alcohol (easy), caffeine (easy), salt (a bit harder if I eat out)
Eat! Little meals/snacks all day long (the good for you type)
Check out staging area.
Rest. You don’t have to sleep (I plan too) but you must rest.
Wake up. Leave plenty of time to not rush. I have an internal alarm, but just in case I’m setting one on phone.
Day of race drinking plan: “glass of water after you wake up. Cut off water intake as you do before a long run, use bathroom before the start of the race.”
Eat before you start.
Start slowly.
Take walk breaks. That’s the plan, just listen to Gymboss.
Eat while running. All ready with my Clif Shot Bloks.
Pacing tips: we’ll save those for marathon.
HAVE FUN! “By staying within your physical capabilities from the beginning, you can enjoy the people, the joking, the sights, and the overall experience. Be gentle on yourself throughout the marathon and the enjoyment will flow.”

“The marathon is a race for champions. It is not only about physical endurance but also mental and emotional endurance and strength. Marathoning for me is not only about putting one foot in front of the other for 26 miles, it is about sharing stories with others I most likely would not have met had we not had the common goal of staying upright and feeling good for 26.2 miles. We each come to the marathon with our own goals, desires, and dreams and find along the way others who have something to teach us.”  ~Margot Springfield


Unknown said...

Congratulations! Will be anxious to hear how you did! I really enjoy reading your entries. They are very inspiring! and educational too. Keep up the good work!!

Marsha said...

Thanks Jerrie. We have arrived in Washington City, Utah - near St. George. The weather is nice today but it is supposed to be rain/snow tomorrow. No problem, I've been training in it all winter. I've finished & highlighted the book you gave me now I need to go back through and make lists of all I want to do. I got a little side-tracked with a visit to my mom's in CA to do a final walk through before our estate sale. I'll post how it goes on the race, I am excited.