Training Plan

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Breakfast with Lorelei

Two weeks ago the talks given in Sacrament meeting were based on President Uchtdorf's talk in General Conference, "Of Things That Matter Most." Then last week was my stake conference at church and the theme was "What Matters Most? Well, I have been pondering the thought for a couple of weeks and one of the things I have been feeling is that special people who I've had a close history with in my life are one of the things that matter most to me. And seeing Lorelei was one of the reasons I was ok spending so many hours in a car to get to Arizona.
Today I was able to reconnect with my cousin Lorelei who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. We recently saw each other after many, many years at my Uncle Leo's funeral in California. Not the best time when you're grieving over a man we both dearly loved. When the opportunity presented itself for a ride to Arizona I jumped on it and she was one of the reasons. I wanted to have some one on one time with her again.
As Lorelei commented near the end of our visit we just seemed to pick up our easy friendship where we'd left it all those years ago. A history as children together made a very strong bond that has lasted. In a short time we both shared some very personal thoughts with a person we can trust. I plan to nurture this relationship and not let so much time pass where we are not connecting. Many of our childhood experiences together helped make me who I am today. What I feel from her and for her is an unconditional family love. It is a treasured feeling.

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